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Comment Re:I recommend LEDs (Score 1) 348

Edison base LED bulbs are good for luminaires with good airflow but suffer from drastically-decreased driver life if used in recessed can fixtures.
I'm all for swapping old incandescent cans for new LED cans, but you should do it right with a retrofit LED can housing when you do so.

Your foe,

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 381

> So, by doubling the core count instead of just calling it hyperthreading, they can generate twice the license income for software producers.

Or, by not actually doubling the core count and just calling hyperthreaded cores "modules", AMD can provide a (low) middle ground between n- and 2n-core processors without doubling the license cost for server operators.

Comment Re:Because so many more enter college these days? (Score 1) 841

Your friend found out the hard way that intelligence and high school accolades had little bearing on his university performance.
He adapted, succeeded, and is doing well; I am not implying that the below patterns I observed were the cause of his particular struggle.

High school teachers who hand out "A" grades like attaboys make students look good on applications to challenging university programs without preparing them for university-level workloads.
Add NCLB into the mix, and teachers may be denied the opportunity to prepare smart kids while too busy pandering to those performing below the acceptable standard.
High school teachers would have to subject students to actually challenging curriculum and provide real incentive to perform by grading tough to prepare them for the real thing.

tl;dr blame US secondary education

Ryan Stonecipher

Comment Re:Try Lubuntu! (Score 1) 798

Why do you people try so hard to find an Ubuntu-of-the-month? By requiring a *buntu you're demanding that people try to hybridize a sickly mutt in hopes of cashing in on the next designer breed of Linux distribution. Wouldn't it be better to start with pedigreed stock such as Debian rather than its confused, unloved spawn?

Comment Re:Vigilances (Score 2) 481

At a sit-in one occupies a space owned by a for-profit company without spending a significant amount of money. This space could be used to generate a normal stream of revenue if customers were able to purchase goods or services and move along. By preventing the proprietor from bringing in a normal amount of customers' money, sit-ins definitely result in a loss of revenue and likely tack on an added cost; it takes a few bucks more to ventilate and condition a building full of people than to hold an empty building at a steady state.

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