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Comment Re:News in english about the trial: (Score 1) 664

Ok, then your solution is? Piracy isn't going away, if its a real problem then the solution is to change the business model. Its the only solution. You cannot stop piracy. It doesn't matter how wrong, immoral, whatever you may think it is, the fact remains it is not going away.

So now what? Piracy is bad, mmkay? Thats not gonna work.

Honestly I do not think it is near the problem folks make it out to be. I know many many people with computers who cannot figure out how to pirate movies, books, mp3's, etc. They try, and get a huge pile of RAR files, and stare blankly. Or they get a "dvd" in divx format and have no idea what to do with it. We are talking a tiny portion of the media buying public who actually can and does pirate. The less tech savvy also infect themselves with trojans and malware instead of downloading some new game. How many people out there are modding their consoles to play downloaded games?

The tiny fraction of the market that can pirate will continue to do so, regardless of the measures taken against it.

Comment Re:Shame!? (Score 1) 166

You have to shame the idiots buying crap from spam. If spam didn't make money, their would be no spam. Its not the spam that is the problem, its that it is a viable business model. You can't stop people from making money from something that works, and obviously works really well.

Comment Re:Already in japan? (Score 2, Informative) 1235

Obviously you haven't been to mardi gras lately. Nothing has change, absolutely NOTHING. Cameras have been flashing as often as girls in New Orleans for many many years.

The "lovely era" of girls flashing people in the street during Mardi Gras is more lively than ever. Last year, as often as I pulled out my camera there were untold girls turning around showing their tits, its what drunk youngins do during Mardi Gras. Pictures be damned.

I'm not even an old perv, just a tourist freaking out on the spectacle. Mardi Gras sucks, believe me, but its the puke and piss filled streets that really bring you down. Tits just do not make up for that.

Comment Re:Riiight (Score 2, Informative) 685

Thats funny because all the CFL's I have at home have lasted for YEARS. The only one that has ever burned out is the one in my fridge, after 4 years. They have lasted far far longer than any other bulb I have ever used, with a huge savings in electricity usage.

I don't know what kind of crap CFL's you buy but the ones I have work perfectly, with vast lifespans. I just bought them at home depot or wherever.

Comment Re:"Torture." Right. (Score 1) 210

Study up on the terrorists who founded this country then. They are at war with us, they are POW's if anything. Which means they have rights and are to be treated a certain way according to the geneva convention.

If we are at war, then who are we at war with? An enemy, which means they are POW's.

Keep calling it a war, and keep calling "them" terrorists. Words mean everything, read your Orwell.

Do you expect the people living in a country we invaded and are occupying to sit idly by?

What would you do if chinese troops marched down your street and tried to "free" you? Would you defend your friends and family in any way you could? Try to put yourself in their shoes for once.

Again, read up on the tactics used by american revolutionaries, or the underground resistance in nazi occupied europe, or the vietnam war. Its war, bad shit happens.

Or you could stop calling it a war.

As for the despicable acts committed against innocent civilians - read up on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Want to talk about bombing schools, churches and women and children?


Nobel Winner Says Internet Might Have Stopped Hitler 290

There can be little doubt that the internet has changed everyday life for the better, but Nobel literature prize winner Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio has upped the ante by saying an earlier introduction of information technology could even have prevented World War II. "Who knows, if the Internet had existed at the time, perhaps Hitler's criminal plot would not have succeeded — ridicule might have prevented it from ever seeing the light of day," he said. I have to agree with him. If England had been able to send a "Stop Hitler Now!" petition to 10 friendly countries, those countries could have each sent it to 10 more friendly countries before the invasion of Poland, and one of history's greatest tragedies might have been averted.

World's Oldest Marijuana Stash Found 108

jage2 writes "Researchers say they have located the world's oldest stash of marijuana in a tomb in a remote part of China. The cache of cannabis is about 2,700 years old and was clearly 'cultivated for psychoactive purposes,' rather than as fibre for clothing, or as food, says a research paper in the Journal of Experimental Botany. The 789 grams of dried cannabis was buried alongside a light-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian man, likely a shaman of the Gushi culture, near Turpan in northwestern China."

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