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Comment Re:Handouts for rich JEWS (Score 1) 589

Man oh man, they wanted to KILL all of the old people (also Sarah Palin's mentally challenged kid).

Now see that's change I can believe in. None of this stupid health-care and economic crap. It would solve the deficit problem in one fell swoop by eliminating the SS and Medicare half of the pie, and it would mean those stupid 55+ communities for the elitist old people would go away opening up new apartments to young people.

Comment Re:DMCA? (Score 1) 437

It is wrong. Copying music without permission is wrong. However, the media companies are pissing up a rope trying to stop it, and the punishments handed out for copying music are totally disproportionate - that's as wrong or more wrong than the copying. However two wrongs do not make a right

Bzzzzt Copying music without permission violates copyright. There are civil penalties for violating copyright because society deems the right it gave to the creator to control said copying is worth protecting.

The morality of violating copyright or seeking the maximum recompense allowed by law is a personal thing.

Comment Re:It does "simply work" (Score 2, Insightful) 479

And American phone subsidies notwithstanding, it's a $600 device. If you care about your phone, buy a freaking case or bumper already! And/or a bluetooth headset. You don't have to be that kid sitting in Starbucks showing off just how spendy a phone your parents bought you.

So what you're saying is, it's a $600 device that's defective unless you buy a $30 case or other accessory? If I cared about my phone, I'd probably buy one that "just worked". I have a 3gS and as much as I like some of the capabilities, it has done a decent job turning me off to the whole Apple thing...

Comment Re:escalators too (Score 1) 698

I don't think it's like that at all. Very, very, very few people walk up escalators, even if they have nothing in their hands. People are lazy. And if you try to pass them (even if the escalator is pretty wide), they get pissed and offended, just like they get pissed and offended if you pass them while driving.

Maybe it's different in other countries/societies, but here in the USA, most of the people don't want anyone to go any faster than they choose to go.

You should visit our nation's capital and use the metro. The escalators out of the subway are pretty long, and the locals mostly walk up them and know to stay to the right if they're not. Nobody has a problem asking a pesky tourist to get out the way.

The system even works when a rush of people unload from a train. That said if you get a crowd of tourists you can jam things up, but I'd like to think that people eventually would pick up on it.

Since we're talking about escalators I have to toss in my favorite escalator joke

Comment Re:Incredible (Score 1) 957

Their primary aim is written on most of there cars. "To protect and serve" They work for us or are supposed to. Now they have been militarized so that has changed.

Bzzt. The police have no responsibility to protect individuals

That may be what you were getting at, but protect and serve definitely is not their primary aim-it just sounds good.

Comment Re:it's more complicated (Score 1) 185

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg did not complete their University degrees. They are all smarter and more worldly from than you and many of the rest of us who spent four years in the ivory tower.

Bzzt wrong answer. Thanks for playing. Being smart is not what these three have in common. They're good at business/profiting off of others, but that just proves you don't need a degree to be good at making money.

Comment Re:Remember this is Ireland ... (Score 0) 218

...We really need to ban and persecute all forms of religious beliefs...

Only then we'll be truly free.

So what you're saying is, the only way for everybody to be free is forbid everybody from living and believing what they want? How is this any different from the religion of your choice imposing it's views on society?

The only way we'll ever be truly free is if people let other people live their own lives and not try to impose their own personal dogma on others.

Comment Re:Science and Politics (Score 1) 152

Yes, robotic missions are more efficient economically, logistically, etc. If nothing else though, I do think we need to at least maintain the ability to do manned-flights. I go back to the Hubble's had the life it has had due to being serviced by astronauts. Could the work have been done via remote controlled robot? Possibly, but then again maybe's hard to say.

Well a quick search gives the cost at launch of Hubble was about 1.5 billion, and the cost of a single shuttle flight is about 1.3 billion. You pretty much could have built a new Hubble for each of the servicing missions.

That's not to say that the servicing missions haven't taught us a lot about the practical aspects of actually working in space.

I'm a big fan of spaceflight and particularly manned spaceflight. I'm not a fan of politicians designing spacecraft though. I thought the new budget was a good move. It slashed the underfunded over-politicized Constellation and put money into doing the research and advancing the tech levels for a future when people could put their money where there mouths were.

This whole budget process has really disappointed me though. They're not even trying to pretend that NASA is anything but a jobs program. It should be funded for research and pushing the boundaries, not so some guy in FL can keep doing the same thing he's been doing for 30 yrs.

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