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Comment Re:Interesting criminal justice system in the US (Score 1) 149

It should be, if not prison is wasting our time. If after 10 years someone gets out and hasn't at least been given some sort of rehabilitation then those 10 years were wasted. That person will have no chance to work and move on. I'm not saying jail should be an easy ride, but they should be working on getting these people to be able to get a life after jail.

Comment Re:Databases. (Score 1) 235

I was going to say the same thing. You can also check to see if there are any software in your domain that might help you insert it into a database. If not, you can keep the data as flat files but have records in the database and have the path to them in there. A little bit of programming but not much will get you a list of file path that you can then just us a bash script to retrieve.

Comment Re:Android (Score 1) 146

It's just a usb or iphone connector and a charged battery. No sound, smell or anything. They sell similar things for laptops (basically a pad with a battery in it). You plug it in and recharge basically. Not as convenient as just swapping batteries and closing the lid. You have to keep it connected until there enough power in the phone to work without it.

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