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Comment Re:Girls just do not like programming as much as b (Score 0) 673

All nonsense.

The fact is that if you're a baller, and/or a shot caller, brawler you will do well in IT. Period. If you know multiple scripting languages, code in your spare time, and in general have a natural affinity for technology you will do well regardless of any other factors.

No amount of whining or statistical analysis will change that, if you've been in IT for any period of time you know and understand this.

Are low-level, average, barely good enough women being 'scriminated (sic) against? Maybe. But plenty of men in that low rung get the shit end of the deal too.

Comment Re:clearly google wants women developers (Score 0) 673

You're joking, but the whole "pay gap" thing is a hilarious joke. If you're willing to work for less, I'm going to pay you less. It's simple. And just because someone else negotiates a raise doesn't mean I'm going to give you the same raise so you have "pay equity".

You are paid based on your value and your negotiating skills, the whole "equal pay" thing is yet another sign that we are going insane as a nation.

Comment Re:Can't fire a Nazi? (Score 1) 1116

You need draw no such line. People should be able to fire people based on anything they want. What kind of whacky nonsense forces me to pay money to someone I don't want to pay money to? There isn't even a societal good justification for it anymore, try running a business with racist policies - see where it gets you.

Comment Re:Lol... (Score 1, Insightful) 1116

It's less about Eich and more about the fundamental rights of association that are being eroded in this country.

Employment is an association. I don't know how it gets more fundamental a human right than "I don't fucking like you, so I'm not going to give you my money to work for me." But somehow this has changed in America and a "job" is some thing the government controls, and you are just a steward of. Don't like felons? Tough shit - some areas now won't let you ask about it. Don't like gays? Too bad, hire him or else. Racist? Well, sorry - hire that other-race woman or else.

It's all bullshit, needless bullshit. Eich was a liability to Mozilla, period. It's not fair, he wasn't out proselytizing or burning crosses - sure. But he was a liability and Mozilla did not want to continue to employ him in that role. That should be their choice.

You can get blacklisted in this country for making a slightly off-color joke, or for "appropriating" a dance from another "culture". And yet we feel we need the government to step in and manage all employment in this country to an increasing degree.

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