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Comment I've seen this before... (Score 2) 54

The list of folks signing up to support the effort contains the usual suspects, and this too is a good thing: Amazon Web Services, Apcera, Cisco, CoreOS, Docker, EMC, Fujitsu Limited, Goldman Sachs, Google, HP, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Joyent, the Linux Foundation, Mesosphere, Microsoft, Pivotal, Rancher Labs, Red Hat, and VMware.

And the band of new brothers and sisters set off on their Quest, little realizing that buried deep in the core code was this:

One Container to rule them all, One Container to find them,
One Container to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Many would die along the way.

Comment Re:What an amazing surprise! (Score 1) 181

If you're fed up (pun intended) with safe food and other consumables I suggest that you order the cheapest possible products directly from China. Unlike the commies here in the US, manufacturers there are mostly unencumbered by effective regulation, so anything goes.

You're not kidding. Just today there's this article on the BBC (and elsewhere) titled China 'seizes 40-year-old meat in crackdown on smugglers'

According to state newspaper the China Daily, officials from Guangxi, a southern region bordering Vietnam, found meat dating back to the 1970s.

Yang Bo, an anti-smuggling official in Hunan province, was quoted as saying food was often transported in ordinary rather than refrigerated vehicles to save money. "So the meat has often thawed out [and re-frozen] several times before reaching customers," he said.

Comment Re:Artificial? (Score 1) 163

Like high fructose corn syrup? Because HFCS doesn't grow on trees, whereas certain red dyes do at least grow on beetles.

You say that as if soaking raw cane/beets in lime to get "raw" sugar is a natural process...

Not to mention one method of soybean processing:

Solvent extraction: This process, which is the one used most commonly around the world, uses hexane to leach or wash (extract) the oil from flaked oilseeds. This method reduces the level of oil in the extracted flakes to one percent or less.


Comment Re:Artificial? (Score 4, Informative) 163

The problem with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is not the presence of fructose. Sucrose (cane/beat sugar) is a disaccharide combination of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. The body breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose using an enzyme. The problem with HFCF is that it simpler molecules are absorbed into the body must faster than of they had to be broken down first. Spikes in sugar in the bloodstream strain the liver and get stored into fat.

This video Sugar: The Bitter Truth explains the fructose metabolism you describe in detail and how fructose gets metabolized much like alcohol, but without the limiting effects of consuming too much alcohol ... From the YouTube blurb:

Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.

Comment Re:Bill Hadley is going to be disappointed (Score 1) 233

I have faith in people's intelligence.

You're joking. Have you taken a look at people lately?

Chill. He didn't say whether it was low or high intelligence. Sure he implied high by saying, " I think most people will see through baseless accusations", but the rest of his examples seem to contradict that by ignoring just how stupid and knee-jerky people can actually be.

Comment Re:political speech (Score 1) 233

I've been thinking about the cost of anonymity. I think it's an often necessary element of political speech, but it's not free. It requires a sacrifice on the part of the person who chooses anonymity.

Simply calling someone - even a politician - a pedophile is *not* "political speech", it's slander/libel - unless you can back it up with proof.

Comment Re:political speech (Score 1) 233

Free Speech does not equate to guaranteed anonymity.

Without anonymity, you can't have free speech.

Not all speech if free. This was libel - potentially anyway, we don't know if the statement is false. It's up to the accuser to demonstrate the veracity of his/her statement of face the consequences of trying to defame someone. Anonymity isn't a shield for things like this.

Comment Re:Why does the world need to be so complex (Score 2, Insightful) 233

Plus as they said above, its not like the ISP keeps 4 year old logs"

And if they did, wouldn't it be against the law? Perhaps forbidden tree etc?

IANAL but I imagine the moment something was file in court, the ISP was required to retain all those records until final disposition.

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