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Comment Re:Privacy terrorists (Score 3, Interesting) 20

Yea, I've noticed that since 9/11. I'm sure the DOHS has input and influence over any script for any film or tv program dealing with "national security". It was like that when Hoover was around.
It's like the 1950's with the threat of Communism around every corner, and how film and television pushed that fear on the American public.

If you question anything, or want to get the real reason decisions are made, then you're a bad guy.

Rational thought and deductive reasoning aren't taught in school, and now we see the consequences, where the younger generations coming up simply tune out all this talk of privacy. They don't have a problem with the NSA, or anyone else, monitoring their every thought, word and deed.
The ultimate irony will be when Orwells 1984 isn't banned, it just won't be read or studied because his vision has come true.

Comment Re:Their support was laughable anyway... (Score 2) 329

The support I needed wasn't about the game really.
It was the problem many users had running the game once EA made ME a "phone home" game.
I think this was in ME 2?
I would start up the game, get to the login screen and it would show I was connected but would then throw a variety of errors...
I eventually figured out a sort of "dance in a circle backwards during a full moon on a Tuesday" workaround that some on the forums had suggested.
It was bullshit that I couldn't just play the game, that I paid for, because of their ridiculous "always on" krap.

Comment Cable and Satellite are a waste of time and $ (Score 1) 340

Everytime I go somewhere where there is cable or satellite, it's the same thing, people surf channels.
They can't decide on what to watch.
Then they have their DVR with butloads of crap they didn't want to record, entire series of bizarre, mind-numbing time wasting "programming" that they feel almost like they have to watch them.

I gave up satellite several years ago and haven't looked back. Netflix gives me the interesting, commercial free content of all stripes, and my crystal clear, free, over the air PBS programming gives me all the news and educational programming I could ever need.

Fox News?

Who watches that crap?

The only thing, and we all know this, that keeps cable and satellite going is Sports.
Yes, I miss this...
However, I have found ways to work around it, such as sports bars, friends houses and of course, frontrow/firstrow-sports.

Comment Keep Beer Real (Score 1) 46

I'm also VERY excited to see more culinary beers on the market. I've been brewing beers with grapefruit and tamarind and bananas and cardamom for years, and for awhile, the purist community stuck their nose up at any beer that contained anything more than water, barley, hops and yeast. Not any longer!! Go hogwild, people.

I love good beer and especially good home brewed beer, "craft beer" etc; However, beers with the aforementioned ingredients don't do anything for me. Grapefruit? Cardamon?
I don't think so.

I'm one of those beer purists, and I still love the hoppy beers, the ales, the porters, in their traditional format more than any sort of "Apricot twisted, bird-of-paradise on the half-shell" kind of fu-fu beer.

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