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Comment Re:Most alfalfa growers are welfare queens. (Score 4, Interesting) 545

Not only that, but FTFA it shows that the Imperial Valley alfalfa growers are getting their water from the All American Canal, which by no means goes over the Sierra Nevada.

Essentially this situation is more of the same fucked up water management of the Colorado River Basin, where uses for the water are illogical and based on greed, cronyism and short term thinking.

Don't worry though, this will change.

Comment Re:The Manifesto of Futurism (Score 1) 293

Marinetti was a douchebag blowhard like the rest of the fascists.

It's interesting how much pent up violence, psychopathy and uber-paternalistic bullshit the early twentieth century engendered.
And yes, there are many famous early twentieth century Americans you can add to that list.

This reads like Mein Kampf...

6. The poet must spend himself with ardor, splendor, and generosity, to swell the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I wonder what Freud, another early twentieth century bullshitter, would think of it?

Comment I concur (Score 0) 268

I've been trying to avoid the /. beta...

But it appears that now it's being pushed onto us more deliberately.
Yes, I have to agree with most posters here:
The beta sucks bigtime...
I could write quite a bit on why, but really all you have to do is compare it with the ./ we have been using.
This new one is really annoying.
Blocky, smashed together...

Comment Re:No, because they are not compatible (Score 1) 551

Comment Re:A good argument for unions (Score 4, Insightful) 664

Right, and they(the 1%) know that.

That is why they have been successfully dismantling the unions in the US and the rest of the world since the 1980's.
Unless more of this information comes to the forefront of American culture and Media, it will slide in "under the radar" and then it will be too late to bring back unions.

Comment Re:Fucking druggies ruin it for everyone (Score 1) 194

Who the freek modded this up?

I logged in just to reply to your... let me clear my throat... WWWHHHAAAHHHHKK!!! (ahem) post.

Well, first off, you FAIL on a global scale in your assessment by making the black/white all/nothing argument.

"One side says drugs are cool"
What?!?! Where did you hear that from?
It's obvious you have no knowledge of this debate or the reasons behind it.

Oh, and I'm a huge Hunter S. Thompson fan, but one area of expertise I would not trust his insight into is drug policy.

A persons proclivity towards drug "abuse" is almost completely attributable to brain chemistry.
You're scared to go to jail, and that stops you from doing meth!?!
Are you freeking serious?
Tweekers could give two shits about jail. Meth permanently rewires the brain and how it responds to pleasure. Fear of jail vs. drug "abuse" is a bullshit morality view of this issue and doesn't belong in a reasoned discussion.

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