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Comment Re:The unmentionable factor (Score 1) 43

Are these scientists unaware that the [unmentionable] of Africa is set to not double, not triple, but quadruple by 2100? It is a safe bet that current environment pressure will also quadruple. Without addressing the [unmentionable] , expect things to only get worse. Unfortunately we can't address [unmentionable] because [unmentionable] .

Yes, isn't it interesting that we can't talk about population, or more specifically, over-population .

Those on the right don't like to discuss it because it infringes on their religious liberties of overpopulating the Earth and hastening the environmental destruction. Good for them!
Those on the left don't like to discuss it because it "smacks of racism". Well then, let us not discuss it!

But I trust that Mother Nature, who gives zero fucks about either the right or the left, will take care of things quite nicely in the not too distant future.

Comment Re:Here's Hoping They Can Figure It Out (Score 1) 43

Here's hoping the leaders of the affected nations can organize an effort to curb these losses before it's too late. They should be able to pool their resources and personnel to accomplish this and find ways to discourage those whose activities harm the region.

You are forgetting the shareholders.
What about their rights to "late stage capitalism", inflated stock prices and making a killing(literally) off of environmental collapse.

Comment Re:You know the future is indeed bleak (Score 1) 115

The often permanent neurological changes from using it is real too.

At least with mushrooms, I can attest that the neurological changes are very real, and extremely beneficial. I only wish they were more permanent than just a few weeks to months.

I would also point out this benefit:

Furthermore, while brain activity has been shown to decrease in subjects under the influence of psilocybin and LSD

That the "mind/ego/whatever" can kick back, take a break and relax is one of the big selling points. People get so used to their chattering monkey that when it stops chattering, just that in itself is an 'epiphany'.

Comment Re:I've been saying this for years (Score 1) 353

Comics and graphic novels are for kids. Adults should watch enriching cinema. It's hard to come across but IFC, AMC, and independent cinemas is a great place to start.

Right, but the fascinating irony is that for all the intellectual acumen of "geeks/nerds", most of them have a very low brow bar when it comes to film, or art/culture/music in general.

Comment Not a lack of good stories (Score 1) 353

The comic book format was given the go ahead because the studios knew it would create a mechanism for bringing audiences back again and again.
The stories based on the comics are ok, but just ok.

The real crime is that there are so many other amazing stories out there that aren't made into films.

Comment Re:In before WindBourne gets too excited (Score 1) 115

Uh, the laborers carrying the plague lived in the Four Corners region.

So I get that the rodents in the desert southwest are a "reservoir" for plague, including the Hantavirus.
Be careful about contact with rodents, dead or alive, and anywhere they have lived in confined spaces.
If you were around back when the Hantavirus made news you heard all about that.

But I guess I missed something about the laborer part - whether that has anything to do with Bubonic or Hanta.
What laborers are you referring to that lived in the four corners region?
Especially regarding the comment made by Applehu Akbar above.

Chinese laborers arriving by ship in San Francisco worked on the transcontinental railroad, which at its closest point in Utah was several hundred miles from the four corners area.

Comment Re:Why not return to the original (Score 1) 284

You'd have more luck getting them interested in a spaghetti western...

The only western, spaghetti or otherwise, I ever liked was The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Both A Fistful of Dollars and A Few Dollars More are better than TGTBATU.
Eastwood almost didn't do the last one...

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