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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 209

This panopticon will happen.
As the article says, it really has only just begun.

However, in my view, by the end of this century a "timeline" will be viewed as an incredibly narcissistic way to "live" and the vast majority of humanity won't partake in it.

There will come a time when people will want to live like human beings again, and not some kind of sad row in a table or formula in a spreadsheet.
Human beings with the understanding that "No one here gets out alive". and that life is for living, not re-living.

People will come to the realization that reality, experienced "in the moment" is incredibly richer and more fulfilling that being able to watch/listen/read a conversation you had with a friend twenty years earlier,

Comment Re:Opposite of loser edit (Score 3, Insightful) 144

The ultimate example of what you describe are the "built narratives" used by sports commentators when they are describing a team who sucked at the beginning of the season and then comeback to make the playoffs then win the World Series/Superbowl/NBA Finals.

The highlights from games won and lost are played and edited to support the narrative.

I actually get a kick of out watching them rationalize how they knew the team in question was going to "overcome adversity" and "impose their will", etc;

Comment "Hiding Things" (Score 4, Insightful) 564

I hear the faint and cryptic laughter of Steve Jobs echoing in the distance...

Hiding Things?
Well of course, because modern UI design is all about obfuscating control over your device and interface.
Microsoft and the rest(this includes Linux desktops) don't want a "cluttered" user experience. UI designers seem to forget that people to need to modify and control their device and interface.

UI designers are too quick to "googlify" interfaces to such a degree that vast uncounted eons of time are wasted simply trying to modify simple things because UI designers have mandated a "spartan" and oh so Sprockets-like look and feel.
Users are tricked into thinking they shouldn't see the nuts and bolts.
Users are treated like idiots, and then become idiots.

Comment Re:what is your favorite Nimoy scene? (Score 1) 411

1. Any scene where he raises an eyebrow and has a mockingly surprised look.
2. Any scene where he uses the Vulcan nerve pinch or mind meld.
3. Any scene where he laughs or smiles.
4. Any scene from Amok Time when he fights Kirk and smiles at then end when he finds out Kirk doesn't die.
5. Any scene where he is dressed up in strange period costumes such as classical greek, nazi germany or 1930's gangster.

Comment Legacy (Score 4, Insightful) 411

Though it can be viewed as sad news, he lived a long and "prosperous" life by any measure.
Think about his legacy.
He masterfully played a character who willfully disdained violence and used his massive intellect for the good of sentient beings everywhere.
A brilliant "avatar" for the future.

Leonard Nimoys legacy will live on and is probably the most iconic of all the Star Trek characters.

Spock is right up there with Gandalf and Yoda in the Nerd Trinity.

Comment Re:... Driverless cars? (Score 3, Interesting) 301

I have a good friend whom I've known for years who is a Teamster. To be honest, I feel your ridiculous and long winded account of Teamsters is quite off the mark.
Perhaps if you saw and heard things from the other side you might change your opinion. But I doubt it. It appears you already know everything their is to know about what it's like to be a Teamster, and what they put up with. Thanks for that shower of wisdom.

Again, my knowledge about their job isn't first person, just coming from what my very good friend has told me for the last twenty years or so. I can tell you this though, your 1970's era opinions of unions being all powerful are about as anachronistic as holding up your lighter during Freebird at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert.

My friend has described in detail how they continue to "get fucked" everytime their new contracts come up. And yes, he tells me the details of thier contracts, what has changed, how it used to be, etc; He actually doesn't like telling me most of it, but I'm quite interested in how that process works, how they negotiate, etc;

The Teamsters don't get their cake and eat it to, as those with a Mussoliniesque political bent would have everyone believe.
Unioins, and especially the Teamsters are a pale shadow of their former selves.

Now to the real point.
Yes, we will have driverless vehicles in the not too distant future.
Yes, most if not all of the driving professions will disappear quite rapidly after that happens.
Yes, that will put even more people out of work, with no or little hope of a future profession now that their livelihood has disappeared.

Comment The Big Picture (Score 1) 257

When the cost of automating the factory jobs in places like China is less than paying humans to do it, then you will see big problems.
Right now the talk is about, "they will move the jobs to Indonesia or Africa", etc; How would the CCP deal with Billions of unemployed? How would the US govt?

The problem starts when large groups of people lose their jobs to automation and robots.

What would happen to those employed in the Ag industries if tech showed up that could pick and process produce much quicker and cheaper than people could?
What would happen to those employed in the janitorial services if tech showed up that could clean offices, hotels, etc much quicker and cheaper than people could?
What will happen to those employed in the food service occupations when tech shows up that can cook quicker, easier and cheaper than people can?

Yes, the white collar job losses to automation, robotics and software will continue and are alarming, but when large groups of lower income and less educated people become unemployed due to technology, then you will see the robotic "security forces" used in all their glory to control a dispossessed and desperate human population.

You can guarantee "think tanks" around the world are already planning for this inevitability.

Comment Re: Deal of the century? (Score 1) 246

Unfortunately, all of the really good replies to your banker apologist riff there were done by AC.

I'm going to reply to your post, which has been modded up by some of the real idiots of /., to point out, as others have, that regardless if they paid the loans back, what they did wrecked the lives of lots and lots of people. Not only that, they were never prosecuted or jailed for these crimes that wrecked the lives of lots and lots of people. For someone to have to point these things out to you, shows your complete lack of comprehension at what those douche-bag bankers got away with.

For someone such as yourself to defend those douche-bags, and then get modded up for it, not only shows the ridiculousness of your politically motivated apology, but also shows the deep callousness towards common middle class Americans who bore the brunt of the The Great Recession.

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