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Comment Re:Genius judge (Score 1) 540

What's the point of internships if you don't want to hire any of the possibly useful people? I sort of thought the point was to give experience so that they might be useful in the future. Why spend any effort doing that if you're not going to take the reward of a useful new employee. If you are just using it as a source of free labour, fuck that shit, seriously.

I don't imagine for a second that anyone would take an unpaid internship over a paid one if they were the same in every other respect. Saying that some people want to work for free is missing the point that they shouldn't be allowed to be slaves in the first place.

Comment Re:So many extra fees (Score 1) 91

One of the reasons that is bandied about is that advertising regions do not match up with state borders so differing sales taxes would cause the advertising to be wrong. It does piss me off when nothing in a $1 store is actually $1 though. I'm glad Europe got its shit together to get rid of most of these extra unavoidable fees.

Comment Re:Open set it is! (Score 1) 248

I was just objecting to the use of set of all primes, as you say there is no easy way to construct (or test) primes, however by showing that there must be a prime greater than an arbitrary value you have demonstrated there are an infinite number of primes* without requiring that you know all the primes in the first place.

*(N!+1)! +1 ad infinitum.

The proof in the article is that there exists an infinite subset of the primes where members are separated from at least one other member by less than 70 million. Which is a pretty hard thing to even get close to proving.

Comment Re:Open set it is! (Score 1) 248

This whole proof is much easier if you use factorials as you can always prove there must be a prime bigger than N, as N! + 1 is not divisible by any number less than N. Which sort of gets around this weird way of attacking this problem y'all seem to be using which involves ephemeral 'set of known primes' which is weird in proofs.


Samsung Testing 5G Phones With 1gbps Download Speed 128

Gumbercules!! writes "While many smartphone users are still on 3G and are waiting for 4G to be available, Samsung is now testing 5G networks, capable of getting speeds up to 1gbps. Obviously, we're years away from seeing these in the wild (the company is shooting for 2020) but it's still an amazing improvement over what many people are experiencing now."

Comment Re:"they" can fuck off, the binary units are the o (Score 1) 618

Except floppy manufacturers, they exist in their own world where there are 1024 Bytes to the KiloByte and 1000 KB to the MB all so they could have a 1.44MB capacity, not 1.41MiB or 1.47MB as logic dictates, because fuck logic.

It's unlikely to cause any probes to crash into Mars so it probably doesn't matter that much.

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