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Comment Re: No real surprise (Score 1) 710

That's just not the way it works unfortunately. People take fashion advice from looking at some star on tv, not from market analysis. The behavior of people at the top definitively matter. So flying your jet around and buying "eco-credit" while preaching abstinence for the common folk will always translate in people mind that this is all bullshit.

The last time there was a crisis, with the ozone layer, a few years later you could not find a can of anything containing that attacked it. For regular Joe, that means 2 things: 1. people in power are not really convinced that there is something wrong, 2. the day they decide there is something wrong the peasant will all need to go f* themselves because it will be legally impossible not to be fully-200% green, and that means live the lifestyle you want while it lasts.

That said, I agree with your 3rd point. I'm not hoping much from the carbon credit though - it has been at least a decade of green consciousness (here in Europe), and green still mean premium for almost everything and for the rest a 5+ investment (if government financial help are not canned like they did this year for solar panels in my country)

Comment Re:user error (Score 1) 710

If you live in a dense city, cycling is a serious decision. My most safety conscious colleague are in a near miss situation once a year. For the most reckless ones, that's once a week at least. 2 cyclists have been killed / seriously injured this year alone in front close to my office (bus - cyclist joust both time, cyclists lost). Over the last 3 years, all of my cycling colleagues have had a least one physical injury (generally falling: pot holes, white lines, manhole covers are a bitch)

Of course, if you live in a dense city, you may as well take the public transports instead ( and if that city is outside the US, you pretty much have too if you want to get to work at all )

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 1) 725

economic status are biologically heredity

Just nitpicking there, but worded like this, it definitively is. The easiest way to get rich/powerful is to be the child of somebody rich/powerful. Of course, as you wanted to say, the reason has nothing to do with genetic.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 311

heroic dying hero

Parent explained that Jobs could be a giant cunt because history would only remember his achievements, not his weaknesses. How the fuck did you read that as treating him as a hero. That's about as anti-hero description as you could get: "Yeah, he did some good stuff, not by courage, just because he had nothing to lose and tried all sort of shits to be remembered"

You can get toilet printed with its picture if you need to vent you anger.

Comment Re:As a big comixology user, this *sucks* (Score 1) 244

Yeah, sure Amazon buys a product, remove one of its feature because they want bigger margins than the company they bought it from, but we should blame Apple. And next we should also blame Obama for not gifting Amazon with a copyright exemption so they can distribute the comics the way they want without having to give a cut of their profit to some stupid copyright owners.

Comment Re:Tesla (Score 1) 394

All cars of in that price range have quirks that don't make the news, it is just Tesla. That's the flip side of all the positive media hype surrounding Tesla: extravagant CEO, car company from silicon valley, aggressive communication ( eg: to defend the car after a mild review ), ...

Comment Re:Going bust not unique to drop-outs (Score 1) 281

Welcome to real life. HR is run on a budget like everything else in a company. Even if they were technically able to, they simply do not have the resource to properly assess everybody. So like everybody else in this life, they look for external sign of competence. A degree is such a sign, recommendation of a friend is another one, resume that fits the requirement perfectly, ...

On the flip side, it works in your way too. Why do you think that most development job is not done in cheapo place like India, China, ... ? That's not because there is nobody as good as you are over there, it is just that they don't know how to find them. So enjoy working from home as a developer, providing exactly the same service a Mexican would provide for a third of the price, if only he could prove his skills.

Comment Re:Dumb (Score 2) 358

Wasn't that the other way around ? They standardised first the wall part to USB 5V which more or less all constructor (including Apple) followed. Now they want to standardize the other end of the cable, the actual plug in the phone.

BTW, isn't micro-USB limited to some ridiculously small Amp compared to the 2A / 5A / 15A that new devices draw from the cable now ?

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 1) 263

There are 2 categories (within the people that really care about giving you real advices, i.e. friends and family) - the true believers that really think in 20 year bitcoin will be the only / most popular currency used on Earth. Considering the limited supply of bitcoin, that means its current value is still several order of magnitude cheaper than when it reaches that goal. So buy 10K in bitcoin today, and in 10 year you will have the equivallent of 1M buying power.

The other category, are the guys that made money out of it. It worked for them, it will work for you, right ? (the same guys that were telling you to buy in the middle of the housing bubble because they sold the house they bought in the 80's for a fortune in 2005)

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