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Comment Re:Cue the Nibiru quacks (Score 1) 188

Well that would be nice, but you know we gotta work for this thing called cash to trade for important stuff like water, food, clothing, oh and rent! ;)

No its not lying, you are just trying to make trouble. The problem is many christians, young ones particularly don't always understand some of the literary nuance. The bible contains a lot of literal truth, but not everything should be taken literally, some of it is symbolism, exaggeration, metaphor. If I had tried to read the entire thing in that way as a young Christian I think I would have given up somewhere in the Psalms or prophets.

That having been said, many Christians are lazy, basing their so called 'beliefs' on what their pastor says (without knowing exactly what he is basing that on). I'm a believer you check what people say to the bible, if they don't match up its usually man at fault. However, as another poster said, reading through just to read is one thing, reading with understanding you can't do in one sitting usually, and to be honest I will do it again some day, but right now I'm focusing in on some areas of scripture I've not covered as much personally to dig in more in depth because technically the bible is an Anthology, not a Singlue volume.

Comment Re:Cue the Nibiru quacks (Score 1) 188

I actually had read probably all parts of the bible at one time, but the only way I could really confirm that is to do what I did last year, read five chapters a day basically (on average sometimes more) and try to do it within the year. Its actually amazing what things you notice when you read through the bible from cover to cover. Most people don't read the bible that way though, and many christians ignore the richness of the OT as well.

Comment Hrms (Score 1) 325

Isn't it more likely that these small percentage of people are the only ones savvy, and risk taking enough to try something different? You could probably have a similar poll asking what their favorite beverage was, and if they'd consider switching to a list of items and still get similar results.

Comment Just FYI (Score 1) 2044

Most Americans think some reform or change is needed in Health Care.
Most americans also Don't think government managed care is the answer either (and before you say there is no single payer option hold that thought) So many progressives are saying this is a good first step. Even Kuccinic (sp?) who just flip flopped has said as much, and noone was a more vocal supporter of a single payer system.

Here are my gripes with the legislation:

1. Slashing Medicare will adversely affect seniors, those least in position to make up additional income to pay for insurance gaps in Medicare
2. Mandates. Since when has the Federal Government Ever mandated anything like this in all of History? The Mandate is unconstitutional at best, at worst it is a Federal Power grab to weasel in and turn the US into a Big Brother Society where sugary drinks will be gone (sorry coke and pepsi), fun foods will be a thing of the past (Snickers, Hershey, Doritos, etc) and you will eventually see a very plain supply of food offered at higher prices than today and probably breadlines like they had in the USSR.
3. Puts restrictions and penalties on small businesses who cannot afford to fully fund insurance for their poorest employees. (Yes its fine, the Businesses who already struggle thus killing many small businesses.)
4. Does absolutely zero to ensure increased supply of providers which right now is an even bigger problem that cost.
5. Will force more americans into a High Risk Pool that will cost as much as 20% or more than normal premiums, and when that cost overruns those premiums, you can bet that one of two things will happen. Regular premiums will rise, States will have to make up short fall with taxes on policy owners (another way of increasing premiums) or some other way to tax or soak either Sin Taxes, Sales Taxes, Income Taxes, or some other means of basically hitting those that probably can't afford the offset in higher premium on their own but now will get taxed for it anyways.
6. It is the least transparent bill to come out of congress in a long time. It's negotiation was not conducted in front of cameras of CSPAN as Obama promised, and the moving of assumptions in a rather unchanged bill to get better CBO numbers is like trying to have your grade score based on number of problems completed not the actual number of problems on the test.
7. The American people don't want it. Polls all across the country show that only about 30% of the population are actually in favor of this legislation, and what's worse a majority oppose this plan, either for reasons of fiscal trouble for the government, its policies, or just in general not liking its provisions.

So there are probably some reasons I didn't list, but this bill will do very little to cut costs, it will result in increased costs, will stifle insurance competition as more companies just leave the sector entirely, oh and more providers will opt out. How great is that?

Comment Getting Class Participation. (Score 1) 664

I was in one of those huge Macro Economics classes in College, and one of the great things the prof did was keep about 6-8 walkie talkies in class. He'd keep one and then he'd pass a few out before class to any student who wanted one, and during the class he'd call back to walkie X and ask a question, or the person with the walkie might ping and he'd stop to let them ask a question. I loved that about that class.

Comment I wonder if there is any significance.. (Score 1) 82

I wonder if there is any significance to name DarkStar, or is it just a Code name for the project. Cause I remember that Dynamix, formerly a subsidiary of Sierra Online used to have a game engine called DarkStar. I believe that both Starsiege and Starsiege: Tribes were developed on that platform. Hence my curiosity.

Comment Re:the dumbing down of video games, (Score 1) 248

Aren't all games repetitive? FPS: grab weapons shoot at opposition till you die, rinse then repeat RTS: Build your base, build units, defend against enemy incursions, then when your army is big enough rush the enemy base Card games: Get hand dealt, evaluate possibilities try to maximize highest scoring in each round/hand, repeat. Racing Games: Configure car, drive to the front, try to stay in the front. Even Puzzle games can be repetitive.

Comment Maybe we are looking at this all wrong.. (Score 1) 629

See I always think back to Ep VI where C3PO Is talking to the Ewoks about their adventures, and thought the prequels could be a highly dramatized fiction embellished by C3PO trying to retell events that have been scrambled in his circuits for some time. If that were true it would explain why certain traits got so accentuated :D

Comment Its about Rhythmn and Trust. (Score 1) 1019

Human beings are creatures of habbit. We get into a rhythm, when do we wake up, eat breakfast, leave for work, take bathroom breaks, etc. There have been studies that show that people who get distracted at work can lose minutes of productive time answering the distraction before they can get back into that sweet spot of productivity. Music, I believe, provides a bit of rhythm to the day. It can help get your mind focused in the correct direction, and get back to work more efficiently then if you had no music at all.

Now, I have had some experience with this, and I often have headphones on and music playing (virtualized to play on itunes no less because I don't want to take up bandwidth space on an internet radio station.) And I'd say about 80% of the time music helps the day go, and helps me be much more productive. It is easier to get into a groove and then just keep going and working. I am amazed out how productive I am when I am listening to music.

However there are also a few times when the music is as much of a distraction to work as well. Often times when I realize that, I am smart enough to turn off the player, and set the headphones down and refocus the old fashioned way. To me this issue comes down to trust. If they don't trust you to use everything at your disposal to keep yourself focused and on task, then why do you have a job in the first place?

To me if I was a manager, I would want to be able to trust my employess. If I am having to meddle in how they go about doing their job like this, it speaks to a trust issue that under the surface is disrupting the teams ability to work together. Having just read a ton of books on leadership by Maxwell and Scully, I believe that its important to sit down with your manager and air these issues out before they become a major impediment to team success.

Comment this could be evidence of Ethics Violations (Score 1) 1006

This could be evidence of Ethics Violations, and if you work for a company with an Ethics Hotline, or if you work for the Government or Department of Defense, it may be your duty to report this problem if it is not taken care of in a timely fashion. They take this sort of thing pretty seriously, and if I recall correctly, they recently passed some rules about just this sort of thing.

Comment Re:its fair turn around (Score 1) 1172

I don't give a flip about Murdoch. If your going to rail against Fox, then why not NBC/MSNBC owned by GE whose leader (Imelt) has had direct input to Obama since getting to the white house.

There are no unbiased news sources, but biased or not, Fox shows more from both sides than either of the two major cable networks. The left is just upset because their ideas of ever growing government, higher taxation, and dummed down populace doesn't sell as well on the air ways. Heck I was flipping through, and CNN was advertising during Beck's hour! Talk about crazy.

Lastly, since when is making money anti-american?

Comment Re:icing on the cake: (Score 1) 1172

It was headline news, actually, he was on back and for with that lady Nancy Grace I think it was? As for why he chose to leave for Fox news? I don't know why. Could be Fox offered more money, I don't recall, but we don't even know that CNN wanted to keep him. While I like Glen Beck he is overly dramatic sometimes, and to the channel flippers of the nation, he does come off as nuts at times.

Comment Re:its fair turn around (Score 1) 1172

Glenn beck has been on the trails of many of these stories, for a long time, well before he was ever signed to air on Fox News, back when he was still on one of turner's stations, Headline News. Yet noone wants to remember that, het's on fox he must be a liar. So does that mean Alan Colmes, Hiraldo, or anyone else who appears on Fox News must by association be a liar?

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