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Comment Re:The most exciting PvP experience I've ever had (Score 1) 101

I've been playing a game called Armada Online (think Armada from the Dreamcast) for the better part of 6 months. Just a top down space MMO space game, Free ( as in beer) and the game is full of suprises. It has some nice features, decent customizability, great ( IMHO) PVP (team and solo) some entertaining PVE and Crafting ( which is both rewarding and oooh so disappointing). The PVP ( once you've gotten a decent understanding of the game/ship abilities) is quite intense, there is quite a bit of team work needed, tactical decisions as well as over all strategy required. It takes a few weeks to really get an appreciation for the game, but worth it in my opinion. Oh, newbs are welcome, noobs are swarmed :) Open areas include: Haven ( pve) Delta 3 (Pve) Malestrom( PVE+PVP) Nexus ( PVP) The Burn(PVE) Netural Zone( PVP)

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