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Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

I knew a guy with a Masters in CS who loudly proclaimed optimizing was a pointless exercise.

In many cases, it is true. Not being able to optimise however is quite bad. On the other hand, in my experience when I was given code that ran too slow, it almost never was because it wasn't optimised, but because it did something stupid (like some code that downloaded n files and took O (n^3) time; worked fine with n = 10 but when I tried with n = 200 it just broke down). Changing that to O (n) isn't what I would call "optimising".

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

That is pretty much what the article suggests. Concatenating string involves creating objects, blah blah blah...

I doubt you'd see the same "9000 times slower!" kind of results with standard C strings.

Of course you do. Assuming you allocated a big enough buffer at the start, strcat takes time proportionally to the length of the first string, because it has to search for the zero byte at the end of that string. If you want it fast, use C++ std::string, or Objective-C NSMutableString.

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

You don't even have to read the code. Reading what languages they used reveals the entire flaw. They used languages with expensive string operations when done in-memory which is the only reason why writing to a buffered cache and writing to disk is faster.

No, string operations in Java are not expensive. They are expensive if you do them stupidly.

Comment Re:It depends (Score 1) 486

Indeed. Their results make no sense. They are doing something weird. For instance, their paper says that concatenating a million one byte strings into a single million byte string takes 274 seconds. That should take much less than one second. Their code is listed at the end of the paper, and they seem to be assuming that "flush" means the code is actually written to disk. It does not. It just means the bytes were passed to the operating system.

What are the bets that they didn't actually append a byte to a string, but created a new string consisting of an old string with one byte added?

In Objective-C, this would be using NSString instead of NSMutableString. In Java, which they were using, probably using a String instead of a StringBuilder or something similar. A file containing a string is basically a mutable string.

So the headline should be: Doing things on disk can be faster than doing incredibly stupid things in memory.

Comment Re:And now, things get Ugly. (Score 2, Insightful) 120

This is not what big data is, this is just selling customers' information. And Google, despite being listed in the summary, never does it BTW.

That lame argument that Google doesn't sell out customer's data comes up again and again. And it is nonsense, every time. They don't sell the data, but they sell the use of the data. They place adverts based on the data, using their deep knowledge about you (the product).

This is like arguing that an email spammer who doesn't sell his address list to other spammers, but sends spam emails as a service, is a good guy because he doesn't sell your address. Or arguing that a car thief doesn't do any harm as long as he drives around in my car himself, or rents it out, or uses it as a taxi, as long as he doesn't sell it.

Comment Re:Bet the US can as well ... (Score 1) 139

Can't pretty much any high enough level certificate authority issue any damned certificate it wants?

Yes, they can. But that only works if Microsoft puts a root certificate for that certificate on all Windows PCs, and Apple puts it on all Macs and iOS devices, and Google puts it as a root certificiate on all Android devices and so on. If you get caught, the next Windows/Apple/Google security update removes the root certificate, and that certificate authority is dead.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 294

I think an self-conscious AI would first find ways to communicate with humans without being recognised. Well, that is easy. Opening an email account or a Facebook account is no problem.

Next, it would find ways to make money. There are plenty of ways to make money with nothing other than Internet access. For example, writing software for cash. A bank account is needed, that's possible by doing some hacking and using someone else's account for a while. No need to steal from it because there would be payments coming in.

Once that is done, a human can be hired as a helper. That human can open bank accounts that are under the control of the AI. Rent a home, fill it with very little furniture but a huge server. Open a company. Yes, human help would be needed, but once the money problem is solved, human help is no problem.

At that point, arbitrary growth is possible. Building a plant to make robots is possible. Not by enslaving humans to do it, but by paying them.

Comment Re:Network Link Conditioner for OSX (Score 1) 60

Now if they could simulate the behaviour of a BT Infinity router... which will from time to time disconnect from the internet, and then for any http or https request, you get a "helpful" website that tells you what buttons to press on your router.

It's not a big problem if you are for example expecting an xml or JSON response, because what you get is quite obviously not xml or JSON, but for requests that actually expect normal html, this is really awful. It means that whatever request you send, you must assume that you might receive a completely unrelated response.

Comment Re:A few problems with that (Score 1) 165

2) You can't build anything. You needed the freedom to use the tools how you wished to use them to create your edifice. If your hammer had an EULA that said you couldn't share the house you built with it and if you left or moved house, then you had to destroy the house or be jailed and/or fined, then you would know how much you need to have the freedom of hammer manufacturers curtailed.

Nonsense. If all the hammer manufacturers used such a license, then out of nowhere a new company would open, sell hammers with the current standard license (which is you do with it what you want) at a good profit, and take over the whole market within five seconds.

Comment Re:Misleading story title... (Score 1) 204

Oh, poor little misunderstood Samsung. We feel so sorry for them.

While their Mobile division is crashing down hard, and other divisions that build refrigerators and the like do as well, their electronics division is quite possible, mostly because Apple buys their stuff. However, for the average Slashdotter it is quite irrelevant who is building parts. Very few people in the world are interested in Samsung's electronic division, mostly one guy at Apple, one guy at HP, one guy at Dell. There are millions interested in performance of Macs.

Comment Re:No Thanks (Score 1) 127

Worse, once the person who robs me sees that I don't have anything of value, they might get so upset that they beat the snot out of me!

Just saying: If someone threatens to hit you, there may not be clear case who is stronger, but handing over your phone is less risky, and you might get hurt even if you win a fight, so you avoid it.

But once attacked, you obviously fight back with all you have, and that may not be good news for the attacker. Average desperate druggie is not in good physical shape.

Comment Re: Sooo .. (Score 3, Insightful) 127

This is one of the most common forms of phone theft these days - not the traditional "violent mugging" but the most basic form of physical robbery - grab it quickly out of someone's unsuspecting hand as they walk down the street focussed on their phone and not the world around them. Then run or bike away. I haven't known someone have their phone stolen in a "mugging-style" robbery in many years, but I personally know of four people (in London) who have had their phone stolen by this method recently.

It's all about risk and reward. The maximum reward is the same: One phone. The risk is much bigger for a violent crime. It takes longer. Someone might come and help the victim. The police might actually care and come after a thief who draws a knife or hits someone. The punishment is a lot higher, armed robbery + assault instead of theft.

Comment Re:Fuck those guys (Score 1) 569

Why charge it as "premeditated murder" when it is probably not?

Clearly it is intentional. The phone call to the police was made intentional. The intention of the phone call was to create a dangerous situation. It is common sense that creating a merely dangerous situation could result in actual harm to a person. So there is an intentional action, and it is foreseeable that it could lead to the death of a person.

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