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Comment Re:I think the OKLA folks are harming *Christianit (Score 1) 1161

Respectful is a word being thrown around a lot by believers of some god or another, but it always means the same thing. Do not question, do not criticize. I am sorry, but I am not buying. People can believe whatever they want - I sincerely do not care. But when they ask me, to "respect" their particular brand of nonsense, I am all too happy to utter the words "Fuck off".

Comment Re:Oklahoma? (Score 1) 1161

And "some people" would call Madeleine Bunting who is known for her advocacy of religion and her dislike of atheism, well biased. She has gone so far, as to suggest that atheists are unable criticize religion, because - get this - they are atheists! Wow, what a great source for your argument by authority.

Now show one, just one, of the fallacies used by Dawkins.

Didn't think so...

The Almighty Buck

How Will Recent Financial Downturns Affect IT Jobs? 372

An anonymous reader writes "So, with the financial crisis and loss of jobs everywhere, what are the chances of getting a good IT job? I'm going to graduate this year with a BS in Software Engineering majoring in Network Security. I'll be looking for a job as a penetration tester eventually, but I hear that is hard to get right out of college so I'll be looking for a job as a Junior Network Admin or similar type of job to start off in. Is there a lack of jobs in this field? I figure computers always need fixing so they have to have some sort of IT personnel on staff to maintain the core of their business. Anyone have a good insight on this issue?"

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