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Comment Re:I'm polite so... (Score 3, Interesting) 136

The Snowden bill seems more fitting to a Pirate Party than the EU citizenship. The Pirate Party has been around on a global scale for quite a while now, even getting some members in the EU parliment. They typically take a stance for Internet freedom, against heavy intellectual property laws, and for privacy.

Comment Re:So why buy it? (Score 2) 322

I think the key is that most people aren't going to upgrade their OS so they're basically lost sales anyways. The few people that build their computer and know how to stick an old Windows on it to get the free upgrade aren't worth the effort. This has pretty much always been the case when "upgrade" versions just required a few Windows files on the disk before they would be able to be installed.

The vast majority buy a computer with the OS already on it and won't buy an upgraded OS for that, so Microsoft is basically just getting everyone used to their latest ecosystem (keeps them from looking at alternatives).

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