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Comment Build your own (Score 1) 187

Used to be a boy scout project I remember from years ago. They found a place that had good optics. They knew because they worked for NASA at Goddard. Sent a few back. So they had the optics and we had to build a case to put them in. Plywood mostly. When it was done, man it's incredible. No, really. I've owned some Sears type telescopes. They're crap in comparison. When you are able to see through one of these babies - it's truly incredible. I'm talking one with about a 1 meter or so focal length. Galaxies oriented every which way and the colors and so many of them. Never felt so insignificant in my life. Then we found Saturn. Incredible. It really is worth I think we paid about $200 for the optics about 15 years or so ago. I'm sure that telescope is still around someplace. Wish I had it.

Comment It's still a turd (Score 1) 511

No two ways about it. PIA to develop in, PIA to debug in, PIA to maintain. Still it seems we're in the critical patch of the week club. Fix it ORACLE! Tired of you guys band aiding it and then patches to the patch and patches to that patch instead of fixing the base problem. Might be painful to fix code once the base problem is fixed, however it seems like we're dying of a thousand cuts.

Comment Of course it's invalid (Score 1) 225

This is one of the biggest - no Duh moments in science. Junk science at its best. The whole notion that everything, and probably everyone reading this has absolutely no idea what everything even is, even a what a little piece of it is - came out of one point is just wrong. If I could let you look through a good telescope when it's say about 10F out and you can see what's out there, I mean really see what is out there and see that for all of these disks in random orientations out there consist of "countless" stars, planets and so on, the mass is well really really (repeat really about a billion billion times or so) big. Then to think that even say (what became) black holes came out of this - and escaped is clearly a violation of physics and time. I know, I know... - "IT'S THE BEST SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION THAT SCIENCE CAN COME UP WITH." Never the less, it's still wrong and they know it.

Comment Myth perpetuated (Score 2) 137

The myth is that a technology like Surface will help in education. It doesn't. From palm pilots, educational software, computers, they don't work with kids. I know, I threw away tens of thousands of bucks on technology. I should have spent it on a hell of a good night in Vegas for as much good as it did. Good old fasioned learning works. Looking at subjects, actually doing them to the point that you can teach them does work. Problems, problems, problems to get the brain to work on it. This is the very thing that they - DON'T - teach in school. How to learn. At least not intentionally. Sometimes you come across a real teacher instead of an educator who will actually teach you.

Comment What they should have done? (Score 1) 161

This memo isn't in context. Back at this time they were in the midst of an anti-trust action. Microsoft missed the perfect opportunity. Here's what they should have done:

1) Sell the windows/dos OS to IBM. Lock, stock and barrel, they keep their apps/office. No brainer, probably could have bagged 20 Billion for that.
2) About 3-4 months later, move all the office and apps to Linux. Again, a no brainer. They also get to screw IBM again like they did with OS2. I know they had an effort to migrate their apps in 1998 in a middle eastern country that is in the news.
3) Dismiss the action against them since IBM has the crappy OS now. They get a real OS that they don't have to worry about. Linux gets a unified GUI and apps. By now Windows would be just another bad joke, like Exec 8 and MVS.

Without that OS still around, the whole world would be different today. Probably for the better.

Comment What's worse than Win 8? (Score 1) 516

Win 7 running under Citrix. Everyone gets a VDI! All 5000-9000+ of us and they wonder why it's a POS. Even though it's running on a perfectly good PC to begin with. Nope, gotta centralize and use 2X (at least) the licenses. Slow I/O? Well, buy more servers to slow it down even more!

Funny... but I know where this is the case and it's far from funny.

Comment Premise was wrong (Score 1) 772

Creationalism, Evolution in its various (heh evolved/revised) forms are just theories.

Stick to science. Scientific method. By that evolution was disproved years ago and replaced with a new theory called the same thing. Seems to me at least three times in just my lifetime. To measure scientific ability by a belief in evolution is just a political test. It's good they admit this now, something I told them 40 years ago to the look of deer in headlights.

Scientific method, wonderful stuff. Disproves all kinds of political BS if they would just apply it.

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