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Comment Re:Must question the "revised" estimates (Score 1) 152

...But tell you what, I'll set a reminder in my calendar for Wed, Sep 23, 2015. If any of the 24 nuclear plants affected by the revised quake estimates has been shutdown by then, I will submit a story to slashdot at exactly 12 pm CST entitled "ebvwfbw was right and SpankiMonki was WRONG WRONG WRONG" so you will know you have defeated me. Hopefully both us old fogies will still be alive then. ;-)

While flattering you certainly don't have to do that, nor would I want you to. I'm not about that. Odd how this stuff has been moderated. I see where some of my comments were moderated flamebait, then as high as a +3 for insightful. Same comment. Makes me wonder. I often don't even use all the points I get.

Yes the nominations are theater, as is TSA, the special flight rules over Washington DC, as is Main stream media. 3 ring circus called the Obama administration (Ring 1 we have our Imperial President. Ring 2 we have Eric Holder. Ring 3 we have Harry Reid..(play entry of the gladiators)).

I wish they were a lot more pro nuclear as they need to be. I just don't understand how you can feel the way you do. Just as I don't understand why some women buy the whole "war against women" bs. To me the whole earthquake bit is a means to an end and it's very clear. Seen it before. Just like what they're doing to coal, lead, etc..

Wish you the best.

Comment Re:Must question the "revised" estimates (Score 1) 152

When you're insulting, expect something in return. Yes, the they sentence was screwed up. Too many conversations going on and my mind filled in stuff that wasn't actually there yet. Still makes sense to me. They the nuclear PP, they the government, they the PP, they Nuclear PP in general, them the power plants. However I have a feeling you know exactly what I meant.

The plants are *already in compliance* with the old earthquake estimates. Jesus. Maybe you should try reading the article one more time.

Understood they are in compliance. Read it again, it isn't about that. Never mind, don't read it again. You still won't get my point. Take that blue pill, sit back, relax.

None of the above ranting has fuck-all to do with anything I've written in this thread. And trust me sonny, I have a clue. I certainly don't need one from someone who's rabidly foaming at the mouth about some imagined no-nuke boogeymen.

Sonny, eh? How funny. There's a very good chance I have hemorrhoids older than you are. There is nothing imagined about the no nuke administration. Just check out the hearing tomorrow. I have a feeling it will enlighten you. If not, you'll get another chance soon as you realize the folly of your (they don't want to shut down domestic energy, at least that is what I think you are saying) position. Less than two years.

Comment Re:You are joking but (Score 1) 564

I never said no such thing about them not being able to unite. Different issue. This is about what to call it. No one in their right mind would compare slavery to being able to get married. Slavery you don't have a choice, marriage you do. It's nonsense to draw that comparison.

Prop 8 was all about not calling it marriage, not about denying the ability to legally do the same thing as marriage. look at it, find where it says this act prohibits people of the same sex from forming a (civil) union. It's not in there. Fine, so call it something else. Not that hard. I can remember whey the gay community told everyone they'd never ask for marriage. That was in the 1980s.

Of course all of this is so ironic. Democrats have such a terrible track record with civil rights. Wrong side of slavery, wrong side of women voting, wrong side of the civil rights movement, even the wrong side on abortion - which is the same argument by the way as slavery.

As I said, demand tolerance for your cause, no tolerance if you don't agree. How hypocritical.

Comment Re:Must question the "revised" estimates (Score 1) 152

I don't think you understand what you were reading (99.9% of the US population). They told the NRC that they can't withstand the most severe earthquake.

Sigh. I know what I read, do you? Here, let me help you. From the first sentence of the forwarded article:

"Owners of at least two dozen nuclear reactors across the United States... have told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that they cannot show that their reactors would withstand the most severe earthquake that revised estimates say they might face..."

Later in the article:

"Richard S. Drake, a structural engineer with Entergy...said the plants had far thicker concrete and steel than the minimum required. Thus, he said, they could probably withstand far bigger challenges than their licenses specified. But on the basis of engineering analyses already in hand, Mr. Drake said, 'I just can’t say, It looks good from here. We’ll have to crunch the numbers."

So according to TFA, the plant owners are not saying they can't withstand the most severe earthquake under the revised estimates, as you claim. They are saying they don't know whether the plants can withstand the most severe earthquake without further (expensive) studies.

So it looks to me like you not as good a reader as you think you are - unless you think reading shit that isn't there qualifies as literacy.

We need more nukes, not fewer.

Nice job. At least you got that right.

You get that far and totally miss the rest. I'll try it to help you again - The whole reason why they are answering the question is so they can twist what they say and they aren't safe and close them. It won't be about the most severe earthquakes, they'll say that they are unsure if their reactor can withstand any earthquake. You don't want radioactive drinking water/air/children, do you? Think of the children!

I know you think I'm either nuts or have no clue. I'm trying to give you a clue. I've been watching this for decades. Matter of fact, watch Senate hearings tomorrow. They're confirming another environmental wacko. Right here - . They will ask her about economic impacts, something they clearly want to cause the most impact with. Look forward to brownouts next summer as coal & nuclear plants go offline.

Comment Re:You are joking but (Score -1, Flamebait) 564

I don't think you thought about this. We're allowing a very small minority of people to redefine Marriage, something that has been defined for thousands of years across the globe and coultures. Why would we allow a small minority to tell the rest of us what to do? Why do we allow them to terrorize us, call us often vicious names and so on if we don't totally agree and write that in blood? Tolerance they tell us, yet they are far from tolerant. Could say they are tolerant as long as you agree with them.

This was such a non issue. So he donated $1 grand 5, almost 6 years ago to something? $1 grand is nothing in those issues. Just crazy bullies again forcing a good guy out because of their intolerance.

Comment Re:Must question the "revised" estimates (Score 1) 152

Did you read the friggin article? Of course you didn't.

The "revised" estimates were generated by the NRC in conjunction with the DOE and (wait...wait for it...) the Electric Power Research Institute. ...

I don't think you understand what you were reading (99.9% of the US population). They told the NRC that they can't withstand the most severe earthquake. So out of the blue you think they decided to just volunteer this information? Of course not, it was the regulation hungry, get rid of all forms of US energy that don't benefit the Titan Hedge Fund - bureaucrats that demanded the analysis. Same people that bring us the "dirty oil, we don't need no" Keystone XL bullshit. They will lose big time if that happens. Only if they get rid of coal, nuclear, well all other forms of energy do they make a killing. They're spending millions on that.

We need more nukes, not fewer. They also need to recycle the waste like every other country in the world does and overturn the stupid Jimmy Carter administration decision not to recycle. Reagan tried to reverse it, however I don't see them doing it.

Comment Rorschach, ink blobs (Score 1) 194

At the risk of bursting bubbles, getting flames - Rorschach would be proud. They are seeing what they want to see. Couldn't help but think that as soon as I saw it.

Big Bang theory - Everything that there ever was and ever will be out of a single point in this universe. Seems that would be really massive and nothing could escape.

I know, I know... like evolution - it's the best story Science can come up with.

Comment Re:Dumb logic (Score 1) 747

" that doesn't mean Hollywood is just part of the intelligence apparatus."

You are literally correct, AC. THAT doesn't demonstrate that Hollywood is part of the intelligence apparatus. You would need more evidence, found by looking elsewhere.

I'd argue the opposite is correct. They aren't intelligent, just look at what they produce. A lot of it recycled stuff from years ago. Slap new actors in, new block buster movie. If they were really part of the intelligence arena they'd have far more compelling stuff for us and it would be irresistible. In short, they'd fire most of hollywood. They're too stupid and out of touch with reality.

I'd joke that maybe they'll bring back the Keystone Cops or 3 stooges... however they'd probably do it. Joke would be on me.

Comment I see close.. "I can't use this code.." (Score 1) 452

I can't use this code. (insert lie here) I must write my own.

Lie may be:
Not written in ______________, (i.e. ruby, java, fangled stuff...)
Nobody has thought of this yet,
I'm much smarter than they are,

Someone could probably put this to a song.

Always remember, untested code doesn't work. I see that over and over.

Comment Re:Makers and takers (Score 1) 676

because after 40 years in the military, getting a pension check means you're a "Taker".
F.U. and Romney too.

No. Did you even bother to RTFA? Military people only get 5% of that 70%. They're not talking about you. That's crazy leftist talking often disguised as a conservative. You just don't understand how Obama has been screwing the country, just as he said he would. Here, maybe this young black woman can explain it to you:

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