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Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

But aspartame tastes like ass; splenda is so much better. I drive 25 minutes on congested road once a month to stock up on Diet Coke with splenda because only one store in the area carries it. Hope coca-cola transitions all their diet pop, diet lime coke with splenda would be awesome

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 3) 630

No, you leave out important thing found in fruit juice not found in diet soda. The fruit and other foods which make a tiny amount of methanol also make ethanol, which protects the body from the methanol which by the way turns into formaldehyde. So diet soda consumed with similar protection food should be fine, however it is open question if drinking alone would be fine.

As aside, nutrasweet makes my joints ache

Comment Re:Americentred worldview (Score 2) 164

I'm thinking you are, linking to a story claiming social *could* help in such disasters, with a closing sentence that one family marked themselves safe on Facebook! HAHAHAHA, yeah tweets and facebook likes will stop falling rocks and bring food/shelter/medical aide to the victims. Let's all paste a white and grey ribbon on our social media pages because "we care" and "to raise awareness" while we're at it.

Comment Re:Damn... (Score 4, Insightful) 494

wrong, get a refund on your history lessons, radical islam not responsible for Pakistan but rather push lead by All-India Muslim league which was concerned with rights for muslims and also by the way led in promoting the democratic process for Pakistan.

only about 15 of the populace of Pakistan would be "radical" by any standard. The rest are "hippy muslims" that drink, smoke (and not just tobacco), watch porn, gamble etc.

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