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Submission + - Ask Slashdot: The State of Free Video Editing Tools

Shadow99_1 writes: I used to do a lot of video editing a few years ago at an earlier job and at that time I used Adobe Premiere. Now a few years later I'm looking to start doing some video editing for my own personal use, but I have a limited budget that pretty well excludes even thinking about buying a copy of Adobe Premiere. So I ask slashdot: What is the state of free (as in beer or as in open source) video editing tools?

In my case... I support a windows environment at work and so it's primarily what I use at home. I am also using a camcorder that uses flash cards to record onto, so for me I need a platform that supports reading flash cards. So that is my focus but feel free to discuss video editing on all platforms.

Comment As a Time Warner User (Score 5, Informative) 133

I am on Time Warner at home and when I got up this morning I found I couldn't check my email like I do every morning. I spent a bit of time on it trying to figure out what they had done to the connection and found I could not connect to their DNS servers, but I could connect to remote IPs and even trace route them just fine.

I had to head into work, so I didn't stay to actually call them... But I'm hardly surprised if they have screwed up their DNS. I had changed my DNS settings to use Google's DNS servers for a long time because theirs had issues. More recently I rebuilt my PC and I hadn't changed the settings again so they still use Time Warner's DHCP settings to pull DNS server settings.

Comment We need more women in STEM why? (Score 2) 329

Just the other day we had a story about how american tech companies only want the top 1-10% of available tech workers in the US and everyone else they hire is a visa worker... This suggests that maybe 1 in 10 STEM workers in the US actually can get a job in the US in tech... So for the love of god we need more women to enter this often dead end field why? So more women can remain unemployed, underemployed, and otherwise in debt?

As fundamental as computers are today I can sort of understand a certain level of computer competency/literacy is probably a good thing... But this drive to force more women into STEM seems a bit silly to me... If they want to sure, if not that's fine....

Comment Re:What about nursing?? (Score 1) 329

I know tons of female doctors... Most recent my doctor is a woman and the one before that was a man who had a female intern who I saw more than him. Women tend to like medicine in general, but while they are found equally in nursing and as doctors men are rarely nurses. A lot of this goes to society. Men are distrusted in occupations like nursing, teaching (elementary mostly), and secretarial fields. All fields long dominated by women because they were the only jobs available for women.

Comment Re:Left or Right? (Score 1) 475

I actually zipped past a state trooper in my state going a bit over a 100 mph once on a interstate rated for 70... I hadn't even realized how fast I had gotten to while going downhill for an extended period and slipping in and out between cars. I only realized what my speed was when I saw the cop flip on his lights for a half second, then turn them off again. I was already nearly a mile past him and I'm pretty sure he figured I was in no way worth chasing down especially as not ten miles later traffic was nearly stopped.

So yes, it can often just be 'how hard would it be to go after this guy?'...

Comment Re:How is that possible? (Score 1) 127

I'm surprised their are passenger trains at all in other parts of the country... Here in PA, Philly I think is the only city with passenger train service through Amtrak. Oh sure, we have lots of rail lines (I drive over 6 sets of tracks every day), but those are exclusively industrial transportation and not passenger lines...

Comment Re:And this is the same for copyrights. (Score 1) 240

The best way to fight that is to have a copyright extended by further derivative works by the author. So for instance if we have a ten year term then given ten years to make money on it you release the sequel or next part in the series extending the copyright on the whole series to ten years from this new entry. Obviously this works best for Video and Writings and not so much for Music (at least outside of the written form), however I'd be ok with extending the copyright on a musical performance for as long as new music is being created by the same 'author'.

Of course I think the biggest thing that needs to happen in copyright is that a author(s) should not be able to 'sell' their copyright to a company, bar none that is the biggest issue copyright currently has.

Comment Re:Qatar follows a Previous Model (Score 1) 402

One problem with terrorists in general (at least smart ones) is you generally can't tell them from anyone else. Hence letting people 'flee' could be expanding the scope of the conflict. Right now all the potential people who could be Hamas are at least generally contained.

Really I'm just waiting to see what nutty neighbor decides it must 'rescue' the muslim Hamas of Gaza and decides to fight Israel again over it... It would only be the fourth of fifth time their neighbors have attacked them under the guise of aiding the muslim population of the country... All of which is thanks to the British in the first place who promised the same land to both sides when they left.

Comment Re:If only we had a union (Score 1) 108

I have been a hourly worker, rather than salaried, as a network admin before. To make it more complex my yearly pay was worked out and then it was divided down to provide an hourly rate. I didn't actually want that situation, but the company did because hourly employees got different considerations for things like days the place was not open. See salaried workers got paid for all days the place wasn't open (usually around 21 per year, or three weeks worth), while hourly had to use their own vacation time for them. That meant hourly workers had to give up large chunks of pay during times the place was shut down if they wanted to take vacation outside of those time periods.

The opposite end of that is that I was not allowed to work over even a minute... At least and claim it. They loved to try to get me to stay extra and just not pay me for it. Which is pretty much like what went in in the article in effect.

Comment Re:What about... (Score 1) 155

As someone allergic to some chemicals released in the burning of plants (from bonfires to cigars and everything in between)... Smokers are typically my enemy. Especially since smoking fosters special 'circles' where ever they work. I can't even claim my mandatory 15 minute breaks and the smokers get dozens of 'smoke breaks' every day because management tends to also be smokers. Also the cloud hanging around any entryway as the smokers are not allowed to smoke around the buildings is oh so fun for me to walk through...

I'm not militant about it and usually don't make a fuss about it, but willingly harming yourself and others with cigarettes is not rational behavior and should not be encouraged.

Comment Re:He cant or wont? (Score 1) 382

The reason it's a problem now, is the fact that the dealership method conflicts with anything new. Normal dealerships don't want anything to do with Tesla. Especially when they basically sell one model of car right now and there is no stratification. If Tesla offered the Roadster, S, and their upcoming E it still would probably not appeal to most dealerships. So for Tesla to sell it's cars it needs it's own method for getting sales.

The last example of this I can think of is Saturn. Saturn was not sold in my state because it did a bit of an end run around conventional dealerships as well. However Saturn is still much closer to a dealership experience then what Tesla wants and that scares the dealerships shitless.

Comment Re:Problem with proprietary 'free' offerings (Score 1) 174

I have long been annoyed by google maps lack of offline mode on my tablet, as my tablet only has wifi and bluetooth for connectivity. Which is good 2G/3G is spotty where I live and 4G does not exist yet, this btw is right next to and within one of the top 300 US cities by population. I don't own a smart phone for the same reason. But get away from internet connectivity and google maps just stops working.

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