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Comment Re:Beware, lawmakers: November is coming. (Score 1) 2424

That was ironically in the one part of the country that wouldn't benefit from the bill because their state already provides the bill's benefits! Pretending that the Massachusetts election is more representative than a general election is a strange contortion of logic. That also ignores the fact that the Democratic candidate was totally awful.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 2424

It is inadequate because it doesn't cover everyone. Adequate refers to 'satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity'. And I meant in terms of quantity, since if thousands of people are dying from a lack of it, healthcare is not adequate in quantity. You are the one who is arguing over my use of the word.

Comment Re:So the government is forcing me to buy somethin (Score 4, Insightful) 2424

Did you read my post? In your selfish system people don't get things checked out until they end up in the emergency room and then the government pays anyway, because no civilised nation lets hospitals turn away people in critical condition. Ill health is punishment enough for bad life choices. Getting lung cancer from smoking will often still kill you. Getting leukaemia and then going bankrupt from medical bills? The illness is awful, and the bankruptcy is a fucking travesty.

Comment Re:So the government is forcing me to buy somethin (Score 1) 2424

I really can't argue with you. Because you are relying on the fact that no one would ever want to assist other unfortunate human beings. You also seem to be under the impression that your health is your own choice, when really it is mostly down to luck. Not getting sick is really its own reward. At least now people unfortunate enough to get a chronic illness won't be hit by the double whammy of bankruptcy too. Do you object to paying for the fire service because your house hasn't yet caught fire?

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