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Comment Re:other... (Score 2, Informative) 460

Husband why did you have to drag me into your Slashdot forums? Your lucky I love you and that I am apparently good for "maximizing productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort"

This AC was my wife btw... I was sitting next to her as she posted. That being said:

  1. Welcome to Slashdot
  2. since this is your first slashdot post, let me tell you the rules. rule 1 is to make sure that your spelling/grammar are proper. otherwise, the grammar nazis will bad things to you.

    You're lucky I love you

    (there, i fixed it for ya) and there should probably be a comma after "husband"

  3. I am apparently good for "maximizing productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort"

    sounds like an instruction manual?

  4. and yes, you are ergonomic and help prevent repetitive stress injuries. hand is feeling better already.
  5. ???
  6. Profit!

Comment Re:Sounds like a bad idea to me (Score 1) 617

When one of the big selling points of OpenOffice, among people I've talked to, is that it looks and feels more like the Office they're used to?

you mean....besides the whole free (as in beer) thing? that being said, i use both office 2003 and 2007 at work, and as an intermediate/advanced user (depending on the app), i still prefer the UI of 2003. ..oh and the screenshot of the OO.o prototype looks like crap IMHO


Submission + - Wikipedia reports death before authorities knew ( 1

earthworm2 writes: Wikipedia had quite the scoop on the death of the wife of wrestler Chris Benoit. It reported her death on 401 GMT 6/25. This was eight hours before authorities discovered the bodies of the couple and their son. Authorities are now looking into who posted the information, in the hope of learning more about the alleged murder-suicide.
After all, I think it was Agatha Christie who said, "The killer always returns to the Wikipedia entry of the crime." Or something like that.


Submission + - Google Won't Index JavaScript: How To SEO Web 2.0

gbulmash writes: "Google doesn't index JavaScript-generated content, as I found out with an experiment I did in March. Seven weeks later, the page still does not come up in a Google search for the nonsense words inserted via JavaScript. So, if you're trying to attract search-driven traffic to your Web 2.0 site, how do you keep your cool JavaScript features while getting the spiders to index all that rich keywordy goodness in the content your JavaScript is hiding? Simple. Offer the search engines an alternative."

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