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Comment Re:What's a safe leve? (Score 2, Insightful) 343

Maybe you are right, but anymore it's hard to trust anything coming out from government employees. I grew up in Eastern Europe where a clean environment wasn't anywhere on the list of the kids we used to break up thermometers and play with the mercury inside for days. Melting led into our own molds to make toys was something we loved doing. Bottom line is that while education helps, there are hazards all around us with the media and the State constantly scaring the hell out of us with everything and anything under the sun. That's how they stay employed...

Comment What's a safe leve? (Score 1) 343

It sounds like the EPA pulled the "safe level" out of their asses. If it was as dangerous as our bureaucrat overlords claim, babies should instantly burst into cancerous blobs of puss...yet longevity is longer than ever and more humans than ever live longer and healthier lives.

Good thing the Almighty State is there to get our backs (wink,wink) -- if we could only be more thankful by letting them tax us more and more.

Comment Propane efficiency (Score 3, Interesting) 445

How does it compare with efficiency of propane cooling? For the foreseeable future propane will continue to be created by oil industry, regardless of the idealism of some environmentalists, so it will continue to be used in homes for heating. For cost-saving purposes, propane fridges and freezers are being used quite often in remote areas - they are also extremely efficient. I am curious how the two systems compare in efficiency.

Comment Re:Honestly (Score 1) 354

Who is "the government?" Don't tell me it's "us" because if that was the case, then "us" would not infringe on the rights of "us." Clearly the State had become a separate entity...a machine that stands alone from the citizens, it needs taxation by force in order to survive.

Good luck getting the State to resolve the problems of the State. It will happen really really soon!

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