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Comment Inside MY Gaming community... (Score 1, Insightful) 556

No one cares either.

Some Media Whores got some attention. BFD.

The game we play didn't come out this year, in some cases, this millennium.

I guess someone, somewhere, cares about these "Journalists" enough to send death threats; I can't possibly see why.

New games are horribly crippled compared to the past; It would be nice to see a new shooter without micropayments, and including a level editor.

Comment You Can't Vote Out the Gestapo. (Score 2) 83

As long as they can OK this for themselves, in Secret Courts, We, the People are Seriously Fucked.

I saw a major article today about how all the successful Supreme Court Cases are handled by an inner circle of DC Lawyers, who are personal friends of some of the Justices.

It's All Insiders at this point in the government in the parts that matter; the rest are Country Hicks that will do whatever the Fuck they're told. Yes, I mean Congress.

We are headed down a dark road my friends.

It's already Ugly, why do you think so much was left out of the CIA Torture Report, and they're Still Worried it will lead to uprisings?!
Note: they haven't said where they expect those to occur... :)

Comment Re:Automate! (Score 1) 176

"Skynet went online on August 4, 1997. Human decisions were removed from strategic defense. It originally became self-aware at 2:14 am Eastern Time on August 29th, 1997. In the ensuing panic and attempts to shut Skynet down, Skynet retaliated by firing American nuclear missiles at their target sites in Russia. Russia returned fire and three billion human lives ended in the nuclear holocaust. This was what has come to be known as "Judgment Day". "

Nuclear Armageddon is Bad, M'kay?

Comment That's the stupidest comment ever on /. (Score 1) 572

The Chinese Govt doesn't give a rat's ass about this; they're filling their pockets too.

I have at least one counterfeit problem a year, and our supply chain is as locked down as it gets.

If a medical device fails, and someone dies because of their driver, they'll all be in prison, from the ceo to the guy that sent it to M$.

Comment Re:Is this legal? (Score 1) 700

"Service required" is what their cellmate will be saying; this will not end well for them.

If they get out of it for $50 for everyone in the class action lawsuit, it will be cheap, IMHO.

If M$ knew about it before they distributed it thru their driver distribution channel, they also seem to be on the hook. :)

I've never seen Corporate Suicide before; I wonder who's brilliant idea this was? :facepalm:

Comment Re:Not an April Fools joke? (Score 1) 164

I use the mouse lefty, and the keyboard with the right. Arrow keys for motion, and a Rosewill RK-9000 mech keyboard, wired for PS2.

USB limits you to 6 key presses per transfer.

PS2 is 'all key presses get sent' 200 times a second in hardware with a decent mobo.

I have every key programmed for something, and I've been using some of the main ones for >30 years now.

I had to learn a new whole set of "fast functions" when Crysis came out; adding cloaking, armor, and all really was hard to do for a bit.

A side effect we noticed after the new functions were working was that when you change the function of a key, it "takes" much faster. Something in the rewiring, I guess. :)

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