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Comment Re:or stop hiding... (Score 1) 377

Under the circumstances, en interrogation in England is the best solution for every parties. If, following the interrogation, formal charges are layed and is is accused of rape, his situation will change anyway and probably won't have the choice to face the charges there, regardless where he is.

I think for some parties it is best when he stays locked into that embassy. So they are not gonna change anything and Assange must stay there until he is willing to risk to go to Sweden.

Comment Re:It's about time. (Score 1) 731

From what I know these changes are to protect against credit card numbers s stolen from online trading, and to stop skimming. It is no longer enough to copy a magnetic stripe and steal a pin to get the money if no country in the world accepts magnetic stripes any more. USA is one of the last who does, a large part of the withdrawals in skimming attacks is done there now.

Comment What was spent already? (Score 3, Insightful) 342

The article acts as if they are wasting $350 million by completing it. But it does not say how much has been spent already. Maybe there is not that much money to save by cancelling it?
And I can't believe that the NASA will not use it in the future, the article also gives no real reason for that.

Comment Re:Tiger nuts? Not meat? (Score 1) 318

I think this could also be a by-product. Having low amounts of body hair greatly reduces problems with parasites. It gives us most flexibility for the temperatures that we can collect fruits in.
Reducing the hair and especially increasing the number of sweet glands are probably quite simple modifications. And we had over a million years to become what we are, so only minimal selective pressure is needed.

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