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Comment Re:GPL and BSD give uses the same freedoms (Score 3, Insightful) 1098

For example if I write a hello world program in C++ and iostream.h is GPL. Then hello world can't be released unless it also is GPL. See the problem?

Wrong GCC libraries are GPL with an exception, for example

As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.

Comment Re:Native Widgets (Score 1) 282

You still don't get it, every OS release make changes of how widgets behave. One example, OS X "natural" scrolling behaviour, you run and old QT application on that platform and I am sure it will not behave the same way and users notice that. QT developers are good chasing every tiny update OS providers do, that doesn't mean that old applications are updated automatically. All applications need to be updated, specially on Windows and OS X where there isn't a shared QT runtime. If WPF is the new native, I am pretty sure that any modifications Microsoft make to old widgets are added to the new ones because I don't think they want an inconsistent experience for their users (sometimes I think they don't care after Windows 8)

I still write a lot of Java Swing code, so I know custom drawn toolkits have their advantages, if you are a good developer using them, and I am not against what QT do, I am only saying that QT are not native controls (only on platforms where it is the platform toolkit)

Is this QT or GTK?

It is GTK, do GTK use native controls? NO

Comment Native Widgets (Score 4, Informative) 282

Can we stop spreading false information about QT?

the native widgets for OS X / Linux / Windows

QT doesn't have native widgets for any platform, QT draw the widgets with their own code, it only skins them with the platform APIs if they are available, Quoting myself:

Native controls means more than to have the same look, if that is the way to measure "nativeness", then Java Swing UIs (Windows/GTK L&F) are native because they call platform theme APIs.

When a toolkit draw controls by itself, the applications normally lose a lot of UI functionality, for example, if Android/iPhone controls add proper default assistive technology metadata to their controls, the toolkit (QT in this example) need to do the same for each control they draw, because the OS don't see buttons as buttons, It see them as a custom control. If the platform control change behaviour in a new OS release, the QT control will not see it, for example when Windows added default context menus to the text fields, self drawed controls don't expose that behaviour until applications are updated with a new version

Comment Re:If it means faster CentOS development, good (Score 2) 186

Hopefully, from the FAQ

Will this new relationship change the way CentOS obtains Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code?

Yes. Going forward, the source code repository at will replace and obsolete the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source rpms on Git provides an attractive alternative to ftp because it saves time, reduces human error, and makes it easier for CentOS users to collaborate on and build their own distributions, including those of SIGs.

Comment Re:LOL WTF LMFAO (Score 1) 117

There is a reason Mozilla is hard with the requirements to name a build for Firefox codebase "Firefox", it is their trademark, if you build Firefox and replace Mozilla addons "store" with one that doesn't do reviews (manual or automated) and is filled with malware, I am pretty sure Mozilla will make you use another name. Android is trademarked by Google, Amazon don't call their tablets Android, because they can't. Google is to light allowing forkers to call it Android, tainting their brand

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