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Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 1) 622

Ofcourse there are risks. But my pictures are in a drawer. Too bad if a burglar gets them, but that's what it takes. The problem is that many people still consider the pictures to be some sort of physical asset, rather than virtual assets that will be stored in literally dozens of places. And that's where the problem comes in. Because snapping a polaroid and physically giving that to her boyfriend would have been the same thing, but much safer (unless you have a nasty break-up). So there is a difference there that is very hard for people to grasp, apparently.

Comment Re: if you ban cash (Score 2) 314

You may laugh. But last week I got a serious request from an acquintance to verify whether 2000 Kg. of unsorted Euro coins were real or fake. Pretty weird. So I did some research.

In 2012 in Germany, some folks managed to trade in 29 tonnes of coins at the Central Bank of Germany. Must have been quite a counting machine :) But they got 6 million euro in return (in notes) so I guess the trunk full of unmarked quarters was a pretty good deal. However, they weren't legit.

In 2013 some entrepreneurs tried it again with a container full of "old metal" that turned into Euro coins after customs, which they tried to trade in at the Central Bank of Belgium. Having been forewarned by the Germans, they had the enterprising Chinese arrested.

So I declined the opportunity to trade in 2000 Kg. of coins :)

Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 1) 622

Yes, I'm sure she asked her frigging PR firm for advice when she wanted to send nude pics to her boyfriend.

"So, old manager guy, I want to send some nude pictures to my boyfriend on internet. What's your advice?"
"Well, just send them to me first and I'll have a team check them out to see if that's a risk."

Besides, Apple fanboys are rife in the area of PR and marketing, so don't expect anything more than "ofcourse nothing will go wrong! It's APPLE!"

Comment Re: Read below to see what Bennett has to say. (Score 0) 622

Technically, 24 is a pretty good age to have kids: your body is done growing, you probably finished your studies and you are in the prime of health with respect to viability of your eggs, the sperm of your partner and your resilience to the huge changes your body will go though. And after you had the kids and they're off to school, employers won't be thinking "oh, she's going to have kids" because you already have them so you won't be gone for 2x4 months or so (or years, in Germany)

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