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Comment Re:Who? How? (Score 1) 196

My online banking passwords are case insensitive too. And both banks explicitly said it's intentional and they aren't changing it.

Then again, my Australian bank account is protected by a password which must be exactly 6 characters, case insensitive, and cannot contain special characters of any kind. Oh, and must be entered by clicking static buttons on the page.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

If that were the purpose of life, then frankly homosexuality wouldn't exist... because nature would prevent it as it undermines what you claim is the purpose of life itself. But no; nature does not prevent it, and imposes that condition on what in the grand scheme of things is actually an awfully large amount of the population.

No, clearly, there's more to life than that.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

I disagree completely with the entire premise of your viewpoint. You are essentially saying that the Bible tells people to turn their backs on their own nature, their very self, and conform to a very specific view of how humanity should be. A nature that, if the Bible is to be believed, is derived of God also.

A view, might I add, that is interpreted based on a book supposedly written thousands of years ago that has been translated and rewritten dozens, even hundreds of times.

Which is true - the Bible, or the Bible? There is a pretty severe case of cognitive dissonance going on here, and it is not on the part of those you believe you are "helping". Also, it's patently offensive that you believe that someone needs "saving" from their own nature - we're not talking about psychopaths or serial killers here, we're talking about people who cannot find themselves attracted to the opposite gender.

Comment Re:mega.co.nz isn't worth shit (Score 1) 133

It's because the file has to be decrypted on the client. Because the server doesn't know (nor does it want to know) the encryption or decryption keys (because then they'd be able to decrypt it, which they do NOT want). Use Firefox or Chrome and it will work just fine as they can handle the client side decryption and streaming the file down.

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