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Comment They're completely wrong on Biometrics (Score 1) 219

I feel like biometrics are the video phones of our generation. Constant predictions that never come true. They've been predicting video phones for the better part of a century and they've only reached the novelty stage.

They're no where near 5 years off for a couple of reasons.

First off is the psychological factor. There are a couple of facets to this one. People are squeamish about biometrics. There are a ton of scare stories about, "What if someone chops my finger off to steal my car?" This won't work but people think it will. More importantly all it takes is for one person to try it. Once the story hits the media biometrics are set back a decade.

The next facet would be trust. People don't trust others with their finger prints. Yes yes it's actually something derived from their finger print not their actual finger print. We understand that but educating enough people for acceptance will be hard.

The other major problem is the failure state. All systems are eventually compromised. How do I change my password once the system is compromised? once someone creates a lens/glove that fools the reader what is the next step? How do you put that cat back in the bag?

Comment Re:I Seem To Recall (Score 4, Insightful) 433

That's not an Yankee problem. It's the same every where. There's no accountability as long as they turn a profit.

If a corporation does something there is no way to punish them. A person can go to jail. There is no equal punishment for a corporation. They have all the advantages a person does but none of the downsides.

If a corporation had to stop all business for say 4 months as punishment then you'd start to see ethics in corporations. However this would never happen because no politician wants to deal with the blow back of putting that many people out of work.

Comment Re:Remember (Score 1) 631

A float plane is not a flying boat. It's a plane that can land on water.

It's purpose is still to travel in the air not to travel on water.

A humming bird eats nectar does that make it a bee?

Plus float planes don't generally land at airports. They land on lakes.

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