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Comment Whiners and trolls (Score 0, Troll) 41

I notice all the whiners and trolls bitching about the layout changes are Anonymous Cowards.

Somehow it figures that people so lazy that they can't be bothered registering an account would also be the first to complain.

You're always welcome to just fuck off and go elsewhere to whimper on the internet, you know? Try Facebook -- they seem to love pathetic whiners and drama queens like you.

Comment Re:It's not innovation, it's the market (Score 2) 266


And further to what the parent poster said, there is the issue of whether Silicon Valley is really any "better" when you consider the number of FAILED companies it has produced. I think the Europeans are a lot smarter about their investments than North Americans; both Canadians and Americans are far more prone to gamble on someone with a good story than they are in Europe.

Even Canada suffers on the "Silicon Valley" front because we're required by law to deploy systems in both French and English on launch, which makes software a lot harder to develop. Especially when you consider the fact that you don't even need to fuss around with multi-byte character sets to support English.

Comment Chicken Little, the sky is not falling (Score 2) 233

Every single time a leap second comes up in the future, we have these panic-stricken articles predicting doom and gloom for some services.

If you haven't figured out how to deal with leap seconds that have been an issue since the '70s, I say your service DESERVES to crash and burn, and you DESERVE to spend long and stressful hours dealing with the mess.

Leap seconds aren't a surprise to ANYONE with a functioning brain cell.

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
