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Comment Re:Good for population control (Score 2) 172

You're basically right, but you're reading the numbers wrong. Those aren't birth rate numbers you linked: it's a ratio of births to deaths. Hence why the USA at 0.97 is considered falling. But the 2.15 figure means over twice as many births as deaths. Maintaining a population requires a birth rate of around 2.1, not 2.5; either way, the industrialized world is on the wrong side of the number.

Comment Re:I like it (Score 1) 385

I have that too, but only on Windows. Heh heh. I tried updating to ~250.something or whatever but that didn't fix it. You could disable hardware acceleration in Firefox if you want, that should stop the crashing. Haven't tried it to see what it does to performance, though. Should be interesting to see if beta 8 fixes this.

Comment Re:TV as cultural masthead (Score 1) 385

When home entertainment, and Wii/Xbox-virtualised once-public events (gigs, sports), and overzealous councils bent on eliminating any sort of non-sanitized event for fear of upsetting the latest neighbouring gated community development, what do we have left to bond over in public?

...you're staring the problem right in the face, but you don't see it. Why spend our effort making TV the new form of communal bonding instead of fixing the underlying problem?

Comment Seasonal (Score 1) 385

I'd say one hour a night during the week, never on weekends...except during NFL season, when I end up watching *some* game. So it's 1-5 hours a week except during football season. This goes up from time to time when I get bored and turn on Letterman.

Comment Re:Question (Score 1) 502

The Masters is on CBS...get an antenna...as for ESPN, no idea, but what I *do* know is that the MLB has a service that lets you watch any baseball game over the Internet...a coworker of mine has it, and I think he pays $99 a year. I haven't looked to see if the NFL has something similar, but if they don't, they probably will within a few years.

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