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Comment Re:Chicken, meet egg (Score 1) 125

It's like Sun's Live Upgrade -- apply patches / updates to a copy of the running environment, then reboot into it. Nice enough idea. Ironically there was always a long list of patches that needed to be applied traditionally, often entailing a reboot, before LU could be run.

Comment Re: Americans with Disabilities Act (Score 1) 79

My last boss did so repeatedly, with impunity. Remember: 1) The ADA is quite vague. Much is left to interpretation. 2) Companies will hire the occasional person in a wheelchair to fill their PR quota. Actual compliance is a joke. They have more lawyers than we do, and go out of their way to contrive violations by an employee who disrupts mgmt's objectivist one-day workweeks.

Comment Re:Just a flyby... (Score 1) 108

This does seem like a small but nontrivial risk. Aside from Charon there are four rocks we can see from here -- who knows else lurks? I should think that the mission team will be taking a long hard squint at every image they can slurp down along the way looking for new dangers, so that the trajectory can be adjusted in time.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
