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Comment all desktop operating systema are rubbish (Score 1) 983

If you are running a bog standard desktop or laptop you probably have some basic requirement
* when I turn up at my computer after having a cup of coffee and hit slashdot.org into firefox I expect it to launch straight away
* when I shutdown my computer I expect it to happen instantly
* when I start up my computer I expect it to happen instantly
* when I save my music/words/picture I expect it to be reliable and nothing my computer will do after I save my file will affect it
* under no circumstance will my mouse, keyboard or icons on desktop not perform to my actions - I want no hang.

This is not the fault of disk swapping it is just an example about how 5 utterly straightforward requirements have not been addressed in over 20 years of desktop development.

First OS which has this gets my vote

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System going down in 5 minutes.
