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Comment Beecher was a fraud! (Score -1) 193

If you look into the fraud perpetrated by Beecher you'll start to question whether or not there is even any "placebo effect" that can not be attributed to other, more rational and reasonable explanations such as the natural healing process.

Sadly, while the individual can indeed research these issues themselves and come to the proper conclusion regarding the largely unwitting fraud otherwise known as drug testing, the momentum in society and especially the medical community can not be easily overcome.

Comment Re:The best keyboard is the IIGS ADB original. (Score -1) 304

I have read about, but never seen these computers. There used to be an amazing variety of computers and they all ran BASIC so one was instantly conversant (more or less) with them.

We have a sort of sad, overpowered monoculture these days. The loss of BASIC as the default operating environment across the board is perhaps the biggest tragedy of the late 20th century. What we gave up in the jest for speed was the idea that everybody could be a programmer.

Comment The best keyboard is the IIGS ADB original. (Score -1) 304

The best keyboard is the IIGS ADB original first version board. The key switches are by Alps (built like a Swiss watch), it is heavy with a solid metal frame under the plastic, the control key is in the correct place UNLIKE THE MODEL M and it also has a proper latching caps lock without a moron light.

With a Keyspan USB adapter this old Apple keyboard will work fine with any modern computer, and if you have a Mac you can even daisy chain old ADB equipment off it because Apple has kept a load of ADB drivers in OS X "just in case!"

If you want something with a more standard PC layout, that has high quality, the Apple Extended Keyboard II is also good, but like the model M (and UNLIKE the IIGS keyboard) the keys are just mildly clicky. The IIGS keyboard has the most clickety keyboard OF ALL TIME.

I shouldn't be telling you this as they are already $70+ used but what the fuck, I have a few extras.

Comment Everyone needs 2010 America level consumption? (Score -1) 652

Who says so? The whole global warming scam has already been exposed despite the shrill and constant propaganda to the contrary. Alternative fuels and wind / solar are already in wide production, and electric cars are a thing too.

These eggheads want neo-feudalism, and they spelled this out clearly years ago with Agenda 21. Prince Charles will still go big five hunting in Africa, but you will be chipped and tied to your home county unless you spend your saved-up carbon credits for a trip that will have to be approved.

If you think I'm nuts read the fucking UN's Agenda 21 documents yourself. The future ain't looking too good, but you will be told how green it is. Too bad you won't be allowed to see it from your one room carbon-neutral cubical / apartment / bathroom.

Comment Re:DAESH, not ISIL (Score -1) 478

So we should be supporting the Iranians when they call the USA a Zionist lackey?

Or when North Korea calls the USA a den of reptiles, that is OK?

Or is this one of those good for the goose, but not for the gander type situations that we somehow ALWAYS seem to find ourselves in?

It's fucking Islamic State dude, no matter how much you close your eyes and stamp your feet.

Comment Re:Apple REULEZ! (Score -1) 408

While iTunes could stand improvement, of course, it is still oly about a million times better than anything else. At least a million.

If you check the little box that says "let iTunes manage my music library" it does. It makes folders based upon ID3 tags and files that shit away proper. Now if you're one of those tards who thinks you can manage your library better than iTunes, maybe it will piss you off.

It only has the best MP3 encoder out there. You can pipe music around the house to your other Apple gadgets. You can use your Apple gadgets as a remote control. On and on.

Yeah iTunes could stand work, but much, much less work than any of the alternatives.

Comment They only have a budget of hundreds of millions... (Score -1) 112

Listen, Mozilla only has just over three hundred million dollars per year to spend on their browser project. This is barely enough to keep the lights on as it is! If you lot want fancy research projects, please consider turning on the Mozilla ad-bar and donating when you download.

After all, not only are our executives STINKING rich, but the heat and electricity that keeps the offices going are both generated by shoveling hundred dollar bills into a steam boiler.

Comment Re:Scrap all the rules (Score -1) 104

I'm a General too, and I always thought that one of the main objectives of Amateur Radio was to foster international good will. Other objectives include engendering technical innovation (after all, most innovations in radio were made by and for amateurs) and building a cadre of trained radio operators ready to go in case of the outbreak of war.

Comment Usenet is the new Slashdot (Score -1) 32

Come to the last non-commercial, unkillable, non-Dice-affiliated forum on the internet - Usenet! Misc.news.internet.discuss and comp.misc are the new Slashdot (one computer related, the other just miscellaneous news). Sick of Rob's slashvertisements? Timothy's awful editing and dupes? Need to post some GNAA spam or just get a complaint about Scientology off your chest? Do it in style on Usenet!

Fuck Dice. They just killed Freshmeat - how long until Slashdot is toast too?

Comment Samsung = Korean state spy gadgets (Score -1, Flamebait) 62

I thought everybody knew that most Samsung electronics are basically just spy gadgets. This includes their phones and TVs as well. After the baseband modem flaw / fiasco why would you assume any Samsung gadget with a processor and a radio is any better?

Keep using them, especially if you work with sensitive information - the Korean economy thanks you as does one of their largest military contractors, Samsung.

Oh and Google won't mind skimming a bit of your data off the top either.

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