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Comment Re:Credit Card-Sized Game Device = "Old Phone"? (Score 1) 33

Well, none of those can fit inside your wallet. However, the buttons are capacitive.. and given that you'd generally need to hold something this size between your thumb and forefinger at all times, leaving your thumb off the button and moving it between buttons may prove to be a bit of a challenge.

Comment Re:"Men" in the gaming industry? (Score 1) 962

While this comment is clearly a troll, it highlights nicely that trolls can target either gender. The problem these women are experiencing with people on the internet isn't to do with the entire male gender, it has to do with internet trolls. There are plenty out there, and when you strike one down two more take their place. And while most trolls may be men, most men are not trolls.

Comment Re:Will we ever stop celebrating him? (Score 1, Troll) 157

There is an argument to make that he was intentionally trying to make a martyr out of himself.

Considering he intentionally took his own life, partly as a means of highlighting his overwhelming situation, you're right. He paid an incredible price just so that the rest of us might take notice of the great injustice at hand, and that deserves at least this much attention.

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