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Comment Re:Subtle attack against C/C++ (Score -1, Troll) 189

The problem lies squarely with C.

If they'd used C++ instead of C, heartbleed would never have happened - std::containers don't need to store their size as a separate variable.

Luckily for us, the people responsible for maintaining the Linux Kernel understand the difference between C and C++ and their software isn't full of manual memory management and arguments over which version of malloc()/free() to use. Oh, wait...

Comment It was a "joke" back then (Score 4, Funny) 276

Imagine that Cray computer decides to make a personal computer. It has
a 150 MHz processor, 200 megabytes of RAM, 1500 megabytes of disk
storage, a screen resolution of 4096 x 4096 pixels, relies entirely on
voice recognition for input, fits in your shirt pocket and costs $300.
What's the first question that the computer community asks?

"Is it PC compatible?"

(Source unknown...)

Comment Re:Useless (Score 1, Insightful) 187

On the other hand, some things (like animals and pedestrians) require some means of illumination at night.

I wonder how we ever managed to survive before electric light...

Oh, wait, humans can actually see by starlight alone.

You're not going to read a book or do rocket surgery but you can walk around outdoors without electric lights even when there's no moon. I've done plenty of hiking, etc. under a full moon.

Comment Re:u can rite any way u want (Score 1) 431

I'm torn between the issue. I discovered old letters in my house from the 1800's and was able to glimpse in the past of how life was like back then. The letters had their words written phonetically, and while I did "notice" what I perceived to be errors at the time, I did understand the letter and remembered that eduction wasn't necessarily standardized back then and not everyone had access or could afford to attend school.

Most English spelling reform/standardization happened long after 1800 (yes, there was such a thing...).

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