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Comment Re:Horse already left the barn (Score 1) 233

Interesting; I wonder if that includes Psy.D. and Ed.D. students of whom there are a large number and who frequently pay their own way I believe. I did almost went to a program where I wouldn't get funding though I could teach a few courses a semester to pay my way, but it was a relatively inexpensive program anyway (like 5k a semester full-time, and I would be coming in with enough credits that I wouldn't have to pay more after that) and I was under the impression it was incredibly rare.

Comment Re:Horse already left the barn (Score 2) 233

Do that many people pay for their PhDs? I'm not paying for mine; I wouldn't do it if I had to (racked up enough debt from law school). I look at it as a low-pay but enjoyable job that I can live on for a few years before trying the tenure-track-job lotto.

Comment hmm (Score 1) 385

I stopped in a Blockbusters the other day to see if their "going out of business" sale was any good and was severely disappointed. Like, 10% off retail for new DVDs.

Now, Borders, THAT was a going-out-of-business sale. Like 70%-90% off new books and ridiculously priced blu-rays (I was getting titles I actually wanted for like a few bucks each).

Comment Re:America's fear comes from... (Score 1) 926

"funtioning democracy, multiple political parties"

If only America could be more like Italy!

"longer lifespans"

When I look at life expectancy tables I see plenty of European countries below the US.

"lower death at birth rates"


"happier people"

According to the World Happiness Report ( the U.S. beats out most European countries.

"decent mass public transportation"

A function of population density. Plenty of cities do mass transportation right in the US. I'd take the NYC subway system over any that I rode in Europe.

"none of them have started two wars in the last 20 years"

Weird, arbitrary date.

Comment Re:Further proof of the H1B visa myth (Score 1) 201

I think we should definitely allow and encourage the best and brightest to come here; the problem is not that we're doing that, but that we're not supporting the best and brightest HERE. In addition to all the sleazy financial reasons companies prefer foreign tech workers, there's a weird (and wrong) cultural perception in business that they're "better," but that's not really based on experience but rather just kind of fad-seeking echo chamber that is modern corporate America.

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