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Comment Isn't it expected when you're successful? (Score 2) 241

Google's going to be attacked by everyone right now, consider the fact that their Android mobile OS is very successful in the marketplace, their market share is up, and current projections are that they'll overtake the competition within just the next few years. All of their competitors are going to try to stop them by whatever means they can, even if that means using the courts, right or wrong, with or without evidence or a solid case against them.

Look at what happened to Apple's iPhone4, with the possible antenna bug if gripped with the "Death Grip", it's the same difference, Apple was showing success with their product, so people attacked them.

As for Google's woe's, only time will tell, but I put my money on Google's legal team to at least have some idea of what they're dealing with, and being able to handle the issues involved.


Disputed Island Disappears Into Sea 460

RawJoe writes "India and Bangladesh have argued for almost 30 years over control of a tiny island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have ended the argument for them: the island's gone. From the article: 'New Moore Island, in the Sunderbans, has been completely submerged, said oceanographer Sugata Hazra, a professor at Jadavpur University in Calcutta. Its disappearance has been confirmed by satellite imagery and sea patrols, he said. "What these two countries could not achieve from years of talking, has been resolved by global warming," said Hazra.'"

Comment An alternate solution (Score 1) 350

Scrap the old technology, forget people scanners, just make everyone have to strip to get on the plane. That's it, no clothes past the security check point. Few will be able to easily hide anything, and it'll definitely make flying more fun.

While you're at it, no carry on luggage at all. You strip at security, your clothes are put through the same xray as carry on used to be, then bagged and put on as checked luggage, you get it back after you land.

I love this idea!!!

Comment Re:Make them safer first (Score 3, Informative) 92

To consider that the laws are for our own personal safety at our own hands is a very single minded concept.

It's not a matter of your own safety at your own hands that's the issue, the issue is the safety of everyone else around you. Passengers in your car do opt to rely on you for their safety. Other drivers on the road, and pedestrians do not opt to rely on you for their safety.

It's all of our responsibility to watch the road and be mindful of everyone else. That's what the laws are designed for, not you, but the others you can harm but your negligence.

It is the responsibility of the lawmakers, for right or wrong, to keep everyone else safe, due to the lack of people's ability or desire to consider those around them.

"The way I see it... If you need both of your hands for whatever it is you're doing, then your brain should probably be in on it too" - Ellen DeGeneres


Submission + - Sun converts carbon dioxide into fuel

Roland Piquepaille writes: "We all know that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has a major impact on the Earth climate. But now, chemists at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) have developed "a device that can capture energy from the sun, convert it to electrical energy and split carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen." As carbon monoxide can easily be converted to liquid fuel, this prototype device kills two birds with one stone: it helps saving fuel while reducing the concentration of a greenhouse gas. Still, this device needs some improvements before an industrial deployment. Read more for additional references and a picture of the prototype device."

Feed ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT snapped in the wild (engadget.com)

Filed under: Desktops, Gaming

Shortly after going from codenames to a more retail-friendly tiltling scheme, ATI's midrange RV630, er, HD 2600 XT has already been acquired, photographed, and slapped into one lucky PC overseas. According to the author, the card sports 256MB of GDDR4 RAM, and even more impressive, doesn't require any sort of external power connector to suck down the respectable 80-watts of power required for usage. It also appears to have a single-slot cooler and a hefty heatsink, not to mention a snazzy flame job that any true geek should adore. Let's face it, you're after the pics, so feel free to click on through for a few more shots and screengrabs from the installation. [Warning: Read link requires registration]

[Via Inquirer]

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Novell Bombards SCO with Summary Judgment Motions 98

rm69990 writes "Novell has filed 4 motions for Summary Judgment against SCO, which essentially ask the court to toss the remainder of SCO's case that isn't already being arbitrated between SUSE and SCO. One seeks a ruling from the court that Novell transfered none of the copyrights in Unix to SCO, which is backed up by many exhibits and declarations from people who negotiated the deal. Another, along the same lines, asks the court to toss the portions of SCO's Unfair Competition and Breach of Contract claims pertaining to the Unix copyrights. The third asks the court to rule that Novell did not violate the Technology License Agreement between SCO and Novell, and last and also least, the fourth seeks to toss the Slander of Title for the additional reason that SCO has failed to prove any special damages. These motions follow 2 motions for summary judgment filed by Novell late last year on 2 of their counterclaims."

Comment Website Disclaimer: (Score 1) 267

All content herein is here due to the will and desire of the maintainer of this site. The maintainer provides no warranty and accepts no responsibility, expressed or implied, that the links or content will do anything, go anywhere, or be of any interest except to the publisher of this site. Furthermore, this site may contain images which could be considered offensive or objectionable to some viewers, it is the responsibility of the viewer or their parents/guardians to make this determination as the need or desire suits them. The maintainer of this site claims no responsibility whatsoever for content, functionality, fitness, weight loss or gain, inflammation, swelling, fever, dizziness, nausea, myopia, hyperopia, or any ailment, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise possible, impossible, probable, or improbable, to affect anyone at all due to the viewing of the material in, on, or referenced by this website, acceptable or otherwise to any and all audiences thereto.

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