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Comment Re:really, one each aircraft carrier? (Score 1) 244

A coordinated simultaneous attack by 100 drones, and no more carrier.

That's a concern, but it's not been ignored by the world's navies. Drones are interesting in that they have strengths like numbers and weaknesses like speed. I think I'd be more concerned about a dozen hypersonic missiles than 100 drones providing target practice for automatic machine gun turrets, lasers, and electronic countermeasures.

There is a pretty good short documentary about drone focused wargames if you are interested.

Black Dart Wargame

Comment Re:Trump lost the election by a wide margin (Score 5, Insightful) 203

Biden won, and Trump lost. That means everything.

This bullshit about the election being inconclusive is nothing more than a shallow ruse to refuse to acknowledge the result of an election that you disagree with. Trump told his supporters to vote twice, and some probably tried to. But they were caught, the duplicate votes discarded, and the election proceeded.

That fact that the Trump campaign told its supporters to commit election fraud doesn't mean that Biden didn't defeat Trump, and win the US Presidency.

But again, explain to me why you think that Trump's frivolous lawsuits based on patently false claims are being thrown out of court one after another?

Is it possible that you have fallen for an blatant scam, perpetratated by the world's most obvious scam artists?

When the ridiculous propaganda you not only believe but repeat is brought into a court room it's seen by every single judge as not only lacking in evidence, but also being a completely transparent attempt to throw out legal votes.

Be less gullible.

Comment Trump lost the election by a wide margin (Score 4, Insightful) 203

There is a tsunami of blatant lies and propaganda from a sore loser "President - Reject" who is anxious to commit election fraud to overturn the election he lost.

Trump's attorneys are laughed out of every court room.

Do you think your propagandist buddies know more than the judges who have rejected these claims as completely groundless and lacking in evidence?

Trump lost, by alot. Get over it.

Comment Re:Supreme Court just blocked vote counting in WI (Score 1) 351

A federal judge blocked a series of actions implemented by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy that have led to widespread mail delays, calling them "an intentional effort on the part of the current Administration to disrupt and challenge the legitimacy of upcoming local, state, and federal elections."

citation provided

Here is some information on the consequences of the Trump administration's postal service sabotage.

Seriously, what is going on here?

This seems very illegal.

Comment Re:Supreme Court just blocked vote counting in WI (Score 1) 351

The problem with your argument is that thanks to a campaign of sabotage, removing mail sorting equipment and other shenanigans at the post office delays of weeks or months are now common for the US postal service.

And that's just what we can see from the outside. Imagine what kind of mayhem the people who literally ordered the destruction of mail sorting machines are capable of.

Count me among those who live in a cave without postal service, as I've had mayor delays and lost mail thanks to Trump's election tampering.

I'm in my 30s and I've never experienced mail delays until now.

I last saw the US Supreme Court steal an election in 2000.

Seriously people, get out there and vote. We need overwhelming numbers.

Comment Supreme Court just blocked vote counting in WI (Score 2, Insightful) 351

The Supreme court just ruled that Wisconsin can't count votes received after election day which were mailed prior to the election.

Combine this with the Trump administration's sabotage of the post office, and the associated mail delays, and the republican party's election theft scheme is now in full swing.

We need overwhelming numbers to defeat these criminals and save American democracy.

Your country needs you to set aside any petty excuses, and do your duty at the polls. Since republicans are targeting mail in voting for their election rigging, be sure to vote in person. I know Covid-19 is rampant in American thanks to the Super Spreader in Chief, but this is worth dying for.

Comment Humanity saves itself from itself (Score 5, Informative) 69

This is a monumental engineering achievement, and it has saved a real cultural treasure. Was hoping I'd have another chance to see Venice before it's wiped away. Now thanks to some great engineering and a giant pile of money we can all experience a true human marvel at our leisure.. maybe after a certain pandemic has passed and Americans are once again allowed to travel to Europe.

There are many great documentaries about this effort. I feel like I first saw this on Nova over 20 years ago, and saw one of the prototypes in person in Venice about 15 years ago. I would have assumed they'd be done by now but better late than never.

Here's a good documentary by DW - a German News channel that still somehow reports real news instead of the insipid rantings of bored news anchors...

Here is to a hopeful future

I've got a feeling we'll be surrounding all our major coastal cities with similar flood control devices as soon as we realize that we've sunk our whole world by melting the ice caps. Seems like it would be cheaper to just switch to electric cars and renewable energy... but what do I know... I just hope your city is culturally significant and worth the trillions it will cost to protect from global warming and sea level rise, because this is not going to cheap. We are at the beginning stages of the largest migration in human history as we flea the coast lines for higher ground, unable to control our industrial pollution and fight global warming.

Comment Flight Simulator + Multiplaftorm Superiority = Win (Score 1) 41

Even the flagship title, Halo Infinite, seems to be catching a lot of flak (and won't even be out until 2021!).

The idea behind the GamePass seems nice at first, but t just seems like it will water down all the games that come in through that ecosystem.

The flagship of XSX is Flight Simulator 2020, which is arguably the best and least watered down game since Grand Theft Auto 5, and it's free to game pass members. I'm liking the 3rd party selection and variety on Game Pass too.

It's clear from the spec sheets that Xbox Series X has superior hardware to PS5 and will play multiplatform games better. Those are the true flagships of the next gen console cycle. Who will play Assassin's Creed best? My money is on XSX. Add in Microsoft's vastly superior software development tools (ever code with Visual Studio?), and the edge for XSX only grows...

There is room for PS5 and XSX but other than Gran Turismo I can't think of a single PS5 exclusive that makes up for its lower specs compared to XSX.

Comment Must be feeling the heat from XBox (Score 1) 41

With XBox you can buy a game once and play it on console or PC. Play it on the console for convenience or crank up the graphics on your gaming PC.

It seems obvious this is the way things should be, but Sony's belated hint a PC gaming shows just how far the competition is from Microsoft's technical capabilities.

Comment Airpods don't block outside sound (Score 1) 35

Airpods don't have the rubber ear seal that most earbuds do. They don't block outside sound at all.

The best part is that this also means they sit in your ears better than any earphones I've owned since those plastic ear seals became standard. Airpods pro do have that normal earphone plastic seal and alot of people report trouble with the way they fit in their ear.

Airpods are great for taking calls on your phone (including android) or laptop. I actually bought them mostly to sound better on work calls.

In other words if you see Airpods on someone who is driving maybe they are just taking a hands free call..

Comment Instant Ink is Proof HP is broken (Score 5, Interesting) 323

I actually considered signing up for Instant Ink thinking that it would actually solve a real need. It would be great to automatically receive ink when I'm running low. I'd even be willing to pay a bit extra for the convenience.

Then I realized that it's a crazy subscription service which tells you how many "pages" you can print per month.. and bills you even if you didn't print a single page or need any ink.

Seriously... what an abject scam from a once great company.

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