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Comment Re:Sad (Score 1) 229

Well I do not believe this prediction. If the court had meant for the record companies to stop, they would have awarded attorney's fees this time around.

What that judgement tells me is that the courts are still in the record company's pockets, even when they are wrong, which they are more often than not. They could not say the law was not what it is, but they did the next best thing by killing Veoh another way.

This can happen as many time as needed, lather, rince and continue.

Comment It's not just privacy, but continued availability (Score 1) 238

I am concerned about the privacy issues as well, but I am also concerned about availability. Google is well known for dropping services at whim, and I am concerned about some service that has become essential to me being dropped.

I would prefer to pay for these services to not only have privacy of my data, but also if it could provide some assurance that the service will not be dropped overnight.

Comment Invalid patent claims, not invalid patents (Score 2) 109

The title sounds a little sensational, but the reality is less so. Please read PJ's post at Groklaw. Patents are good, just some claims in them were dismissed.

Microsoft had already agreed to license the patents, so the real fight was over the RAND rate for those, and the possible penalties for willful infringement. Seems like that part is mostly over.

Comment C a bad language? Compared to what? (Score 5, Insightful) 535

I find it funny that people are claiming that C is a bad language, yet they use no such words to qualify assembly.

C is a bad language to the extent that it lets do what you want, even if that means shooting yourself in the foot. A language that would marry C's strengths while providing safeguards against buffer overruns and other ills would be an oxymoron.

If you have a section of code that is particularly time critical, you could write it in assembly as many people do. I prefer to actually write it in C but check the assembly output from the compiler, and optimize the C source until I am happy with the result. In all cases I have been able to achieve my objectives this way without actually having to insert a block of assembly (not all compilers let you do that in-line). The resulting code is still very easy to read (for me down the road or anyone else) while being efficient.

C is not the Swiss army knife of software (even though if one language qualified, C would be the closest), but it has its areas of expertise. In the world of small embedded systems, there is simply no alternative worth considering (and few alternatives available.)

For desktop applications, not so great (and I speak of experience.)

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
