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Comment Re:Recent claims by whom? (Score 2, Informative) 224

What the tree huggers will find even more horrifying than chimp warfare is how lions kill baby lions.

True story. When the alpha male of a lion pride is challenged by another male lion and loses, the new lion takes over the pride. This happens inevitably as the the former alpha lion ages. Now the new head lion will often KILL all the lion cubs in the pride. Not because he's hungry, but because he doesn't like the fact that the baby lions are not his.

Comment Re:Maybe we if stopped giving Africa food (Score 4, Insightful) 326

West, just by the fact of existing, messed up Africa.

Before white men's ships arrived, Africans were living in their tribal villages leading simple agricultural or hunter/gatherer lives. Just as people all over the world have been doing for ten thousand years. It was no paradise, but they had a balance with natural forces where the population wouldn't grow faster than the food supply.

Then comes the white man with his antibiotics and high-yielding maize (which he got from the New World Indians, but that's another story). Suddenly infant mortality went down and crop yields went up and population could grow like crazy. But Africans never developed the institutions and social structures necessary to support a densely populated society that the Europeans and East Asians did. African nations today still run pretty much like they did thousands of years ago, local warlords taking power. Except now it's millions of people instead of a few villages.

Africans would've been infinitely better off left completely to their own devices. Would they still be living in stone age primitive societies? Yes. Would it be preferable to what they have now? Yes.

Comment Re:Could have been worse (Score 1) 188

It's not a matter of whether Boeing deserves the extra cash or not. Deserve has nothing to do with it.

Boeing simply cannot (and will not) do it for less than the $4.2 billion, otherwise they'd be losing money. But SpaceX can do the same job for less, at $2.6 billion. So you could say SpaceX is much more efficient than Boeing.

So why didn't NASA just give the whole thing to SpaceX and save money? Redundancy, hedging your bets, not putting all your eggs in one basket, etc.

Comment Re:Never been a fan of multiplayer. (Score 5, Informative) 292

Multiplayer can be and often is what you describe. But it depends on the community.

Some of the best online gaming experiences can be found on private servers (for those games that have them). Since anyone with moderate knowledge and resources can run a private server, there are many of them. A server's community tends to reflect the values of the owner, so just browse GTOP100 or other similar sites and look for well-policed friendly ones.

Most private servers have a very high GM to player ratio compared to official servers. On a friendly private server, the 8-year-old you describe that tells people he fucked their mother in the ass will get banned before his first day is over. It will have clear Terms of Use that outlines what is acceptable behavior and what's not, and how to report abuse to GM. The good ones actually care about your gaming experience and will take griefing seriously.

Also look for one with an active forum. Since the PS community tends to be small, you'll get to know most of the active players after a while. Browsing the forum will give you the flavor of the community.

Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 1) 635

That's a good attitude to take. Even though I am on the other side of the AGW debate, I'll agree with you there.

Small change I might suggest is that some of the beachfront homes in Malibu are getting hammered now due to erosion (nothing to do with sea levels or AGW, just plain beach erosion). So let's just say a coastal city such as LA or New York. I'll stay in NYC, you move inland.

Comment Re:Great news (Score 4, Informative) 269

maybe some groups have a genetic limitation to the likely of above average intelligence.

There is no maybe, every study that has ever looked into this since the dawn of science has confirmed this. Hell you don't even have to ask science, every average Joe on the street knows this already from life experience.

It's just in the last ~20 years that political correctness mass hysteria has gripped academia and the media to where it's become a thoughtcrime to think any other thought than that all races are exactly equal in every aspect except maybe skin melanin level.

And it's just the United States and a couple of other Western European countries afflicted with this weirdness. If you were to go to, say, Japan or Russia and say to a scientist, "Some races have higher genetic disposition for intelligence than others", he will most likely shrug and say "Yeah, so what?"

But just in case you're young and everything you've ever read has been sanitized by the Academic Department of Purethought: the highest average IQ of any human race/group belongs to Ashkenazi Jews.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 0) 348

The amount of money that Exxon spends -- actually the amount of money that the entire oil industry spends on climate research -- is dwarfed by government funding. By an order of magnitude. These are easily obtained figures, just look them up.

If you are a climate researcher and you need funding for your project or lab (or your very existence), what's the logical place to turn to? Answer: where the money is... the gov't.

Assuming that oil companies fund studies that disprove man-made global warming and governments fund studies that prove it, you would expect to see a 10-to-1 ratio in the number of studies published for AGW versus against. And that's pretty much what you see out there.

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