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Comment Re:Experienced only? (Score 3, Interesting) 948

Applications you've made because of a school project will not count.

That's stupid. As an EE, a buddy of mine and I made a spiffy wireless sensor system which we presented at a conference. We did the project all on our own without any direction from any professors and received a $5000 grant from an independent organization interested in publishing our work. And we did it all for 6 credits worth of independent undergraduate research classes, too. Just because you get college credit for a project doesn't mean it isn't a real project.

Comment Re:sad isn't it ? (Score 2) 916

Don't confuse cults with religions either - atheist bigotry aside, they're two very different things.

Isn't it a staple of freshman English courses at university to ask what this difference is, to discover it's only in the cultural perception, or connotation, and there is no fundamental distinction? Or did we just do that because I didn't go to school in Texas?

Comment Re:A better idea (Score 1) 562

I seem to be having trouble conveying this very simple idea (not something major or important at all). Let's start with the concept that money only has utility in the context of a society, for the exchange of goods or services. Other materials can have utility to an individual separated from society, which money cannot. These types of utility are different. Do you see that now?

Comment Re:A better idea (Score 1) 562

No, it has the value we attribute it with. As a concept, it has intrinsic utility, but that's not the same as value. Food has intrinsic value because you can eat it. Wood has intrinsic value because you can build a house out of it. Money only has value if other people also believe it has value. No one has to believe food is edible, or that wood is a good building material. Do you see how these things are different?

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