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Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 3, Informative) 550

I believe that this is what the person above was referring to:

You should never talk to the police, for any reason, other than to identify yourself. If something happens and you are a witness, or worse, involved in a crime, wait for the trial. Never tell the police anything. It NEVER benefits you.

Comment Doesn't stop the beatings (Score 1) 287

This does NOT stop people from beating you with a rubber hose. Instead of "Give me your password!" it would be "Play this game til you get it right!" So what? Face it, there is no good way to have a perfect system that only you can get into when you want but no one else can. If you can get in, then someone else can force you to open it, regardless of how. This has the advantage of making it harder for even you to do it if you don't keep up practicing. Sounds like a silly solution to me.

Comment If Apple had done it (Score 2) 358

So imagine the exact same art project, only someone at Apple had come up with it and decided to do it. The only difference would be that instead of some random artist installing software on computers in the store (the only part of this that might conceivably be a slight bit hinky), Apple employees install the same software. They don't have to change anything in their stores, or ask permission (there are already security cameras in the store). They have an artist go through and make a show in the same manner this fellow did. What then? Is it "Cool idea, Apple" or "Ah, ah! Privacy violation! Just because I'm in your store!"

Alternately, the guy could have gone through a bit more effort and used a telephoto lens to get essentially the same photos through the window, or even wandered around inside the store with a camera; we already know that that's legal.

So is the only thing that's wrong is that he used the computer's camera's? Didn't warn people? Is Apple out any money due to this? If they'd contacted the guy and said "Cool, but ask us next time", we wouldn't even be reading about this. What if it had happened in a Best Buy instead - better or worse than this?

Comment Re:Hybrid (Score 1) 566

Unless you mean something else by "transmission", I think you're wrong. I have a hybrid. It has an IC, and an electric motor powered by batteries. The two can work at different times, and often together. When I brake or coast with the engine engaged, it uses the electric motor essentially in reverse to charge up the batteries. I love going downhill and watching the batteries "fill" back up. I have a regular transmission, AFAIK. (Actually, it a CVT, IIRC.)

Comment Re:Hard for 8 Year Olds But Here's a Core Dump (Score 1) 726

I second most of your choices here. At that age and a bit older I'd read Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury, Heinlein. Wrinkle in Time is good. But that has been 40 years or more since I read it (and 50 since it was published), and I'm sure there have been other books written since. Asimov had a series originally written as Paul French for "teens". I read a bit more fantasy then than I do now. I also read Van Vogt, but I'm not sure that, or say, P K Dick would be easy for an 8 year old. I'd say pick out short story collections for ease of reading. Bradbury's Martian Chronicles come to mind in that regard. Niven would be okay, but the older he got the more sex he put in, so in general his earlier stuff might be more appropriate. I read 2001 before the movie came out, and I was 10 or 11 when that happened.

You could also take him to the library and let him pick out his own books. I rode my bike to the library probably every other day or so when I was a kid, and soon found the books in the "normal" section were more interesting than those in the kids section.

Comment Re:Once again, somebody misses the point (Score 1) 713

Wish I had mod points, you'd get them (well one at least). I read the whole article and Lowery makes almost 100% sense. People that think "teh internets, they can do it so it's okay" just don't get that they are actively killing the very thing they like. And as he points out, it doesn't really cost that much to actually BUY the friggin' music. Other than free samples or loss-leaders, I've bought every song I have, some a couple times (in LP form and then again in CD or download). There were a few times that I was tempted to illegally download something because I couldn't otherwise even find it for sale, but I resisted and either did without, or got it when it did eventually come out legally. None of this has hurt me at all, financially or otherwise. I've got over 60+ gigs of music, more than I can listen to in any reasonable amount of time. I keep buying music, too. It's not that fucking hard, and it always (barring artists that made bad deals, but that's on them not me) sends some money back to the artist. If I can, I buy it directly from the artists website. Again, not that hard.

Comment Re:1 of my favorite Antenna channels (Score 1) 161

I agree with you and like your comments, but people are missing an important event that explains why we have so many "reality" TV shows, and that is the 2007-2008 writer's strike. With no new scripts for their TV shows for 14 weeks, TV execs needed to replace the shows with something. It turned out that pointing a camera at a bunch of jerks and then slapping a title on it was cheap, easy, and didn't require an expensive writer. Just people that in many cases were happy to be stupid on TV for free if they got their "15 minutes of fame". That's why we have "Dancing with the Czars" and crap like that, just need a camera man, man.

Comment Re:Powerful in their own minds, maybe (Score 5, Funny) 241

Their chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Their two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Their *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Their *four* *Amongst* their weapons.... Amongst their weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.

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