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Comment Re:The employee is a chump? (Score 1) 228

I'm likely paid significantly lower than this executive, and definitely was paid WAY lower when I got a credit card from AmEx (Blue) and eventually granted a $25,000 limit. I could/can request higher. But I got it to buy a used car at a rate much lower (0.9%) than I could have gotten at a bank. So I would imagine someone who likely makes in mid-six figures or even low-mid could easily get up to that. I had/have awesome credit rating, so that helps too.

Comment Re:I question their longevity. (Score 1) 83

The name is just a symptom. I remember initially DSL being just SBC in my area. Then resellers got to brand it their own, and make whatever value proposition they could to try to be the one you'd choose. A brief explosion of ISPs with all manner of weird names. Some were good companies, some were terrible. But now, at least in my general area, if I decide to go with DSL, it's AT&T. I can't say for certain there aren't any branded resellers, but if there are, they aren't in my area. Similar thing happened with dial-up. I remember pages and pages of dial-up service providers to choose from back in the day. Now there are a small handful of very large providers. Same thing with cars right? Car analogy is always good. Seems to be a pretty common way that a product category expands these days.

Comment Re:"Cost the government"? Don't think so. (Score 1) 631

Careful with expressing such terribly libertarian viewpoints on Slashdot. You may get drone attacked. And you're darn right we should be looking for and using every write-off under the sun as long as it's there to be used legally. If you don't you're just giving away money to a mostly (by %) useless government.

Comment Re:We norms just can't understand (Score 2) 506

The day may actually come when personal gun ownership is no longer something anyone feels is necessary. But there are so many ridiculous things that would have to happen first that it won't be happening in any of our lifetime, or likely for many generations after ours. Crime would have to no longer exist. War would have to be no longer possible. All governments would have to be passive entities providing mostly ambassadorial functions. All dangerous animals would have to be extinct. And the list would go on. Just tell me when even one of those things happens. The U.S. was born out of an understanding that government cannot be trusted and that the checks and balances include the ability for people to defend themselves from the tyranny of government. Our hard fought independence from the tyrannical power that was England may be centuries in the past, but I guarantee you that the type of people who would take our freedom by force still exist and will continue to exist. The second amendment may not be the only thing between us and that sort of thing happening again, but it's a darn important piece of it. The US is a very safe place to live compared to the rest of the world. Turn your attention to gang rapes in India, the wholesale slaughter of villages in Afghanistan, the torture, mutilation and killing of people by drug cartels in Mexico. The killing of 20 innocent children still tears at my soul, and will for as long as I'm alive. Can you tell me that taking all civilian guns away would have prevented this? No you can't. If infringing on the rights of an entire country was worth stopping a crime from happening, we would have no rights left. Just because you don't seem to respect freedom, doesn't mean it should be taken away from everyone else.

Comment Re:We norms just can't understand (Score 1) 506

It depends on the scenario...hard to carry a rifle around with you for self defense. A compact but powerful handgun is ideal for defense on the street. Compact shotgun along with it is ideal for in-home defense. And as far as not wanting to shoot anybody for self defense. You can't claim to know their intentions. If you pull a gun it better be to shoot it because if you pull it and hesitate, they may pull theirs and fire before you have a chance to react. Regardless though, this poster you replied to is a moron. Don't take self defense advice from him...

Comment Re:Misdirection (Score 3, Interesting) 506

"So yes, if there were no guns then no one would need guns"

Not true. Guns don't exist for the sole reason of protecting yourself from others with guns. If someone attacks you with a knife, do you think a knife is sufficient defense? You better believe I would rather bring a gun to a knife fight. And I'd rather bring a tank to a gun fight, but it's a little harder to carry a tank around in a holster. Regardless of what kind of weapon a person is attacking you with, I'd want to meet it with a gun in defense. And this scales up to when they invent phasers and other such things. I want the biggest bang that balances speed and accessibility so that the attack lasts as short a time as possible. The longer it lasts, the more likely I get hurt or killed. Even if someone doesn't have a weapon, if there are more of them than there are of you, a gun is STILL needed. A knife or bat may get the odds closer, but unless they attack you like a jackie chan movie, they'll quickly overwhelm you.

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