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Comment Re:No subsidies (Score 1) 241

The government can't actually make them any cheaper than the private companies who do that today, in fact it would most certainly cost more..much more. The only way it wouldn't "cost" more is using taxes to subsidize those costs the same way these mega companies are lobbying. If the government was more efficient at doing literally anything I'd be willing to at least entertain the possibility of the government doing that thing and that thing alone. And I still probably wouldn't want it. Not for the lobbying necessarily either. Artificially deflating this market inflation is high risk no matter how it's done...except for finding a way to eliminate the shortage). Put collective resources towards actually solving the shortage...not towards propping things up artificially.

Comment Re:The paradox of antifa (Score 1) 455

Sorry dude, Antifa is only in name "anti-fascist". In reality their tactics are exactly as the poster you replied to describes. They are absolutely fascist and have no lines they won't cross in beating that into you. And they absolutely are operating on behalf of socialism, communism, and anything anti-capitalism. Antica would be more accurate as they have no desire to end or fight fascism. It is their tool of choice.

Comment Re:A waste, but hardly a catastrophe (Score 1) 153

Because that's what climate reporting is and has been since it became a thing. People didn't all switch to Amish commune life when they shouted about global warming so they have to make everything sound like an utter disaster. Is it cool that mines are being abandoned and leaking methane? No. Is an extra day's worth of it in the atmosphere catastrophic? Also no.

Comment Re:He knows the cost (Score 3, Insightful) 373

No, defunding it is the start of #2 and I genuinely hope you understand that. The WHO already has its funding for this year, so this wouldn't affect WHO till January of next year. Giving them more than enough time to propose a solution to the problem they perpetrated. It is their problem to resolve and they need some damn motivation to solve it. This did not cause their doors to be shut down they are still perfectly capable of continuing to do what they do throughout the rest of this year uninterrupted. Funding bad behavior is what won't solve anything.

Comment Re:I kinda agree (Score 1) 311

Since you seem to have a reasonable head on your shoulders, what happens to the living wage of John Doe when the company he works for goes under because the owner's billions are wiped out? Okay so John Doe gets double the stimulus check and can scramble to find another job. Oh but whoops no jobs available. Two months after the epidemic and John Doe is evicted. Oh, gonna slap "no eviction" requirements on landlords after the epidemic? Well when the landlord can't pay the electric bill or afford to do any maintenance then what? Require power companies to deliver electricity for free? Force home depot to give away products to the land lord that she needs to do maintenance on John's apartment? What about the maintenance worker for the apartment complex? Does he just work for free? People angry that air lines are being bailed out??? The hell? Do you want travel to just cease to exist for years?

I take exception with you denigrating the act of investing entirely as gambling. Is there risk? Of course there is. But there's risk in sitting pat on your 60 hour a week job making minimum wage too. You're investing your time with the hope that you'll continue to have that 60 hour a week job. Maybe you can afford to take a 20 hour a week hit, maybe you can't. Maybe investors can take a billion dollar hit, maybe they can't. I have many friends in the bar industry...owner, bar tenders, servers all levels. The owner invested a significant amount of money and time in his business, but it's a risk..a gamble that his business will make money. The bar tenders make great money on tips, more than minimum wage by far...but there's a risk with that too. Now none of them are making money...the owner isn't...the bar tenders aren't. Yet because the owner had money to invest too bad for him, let his business die?

Comment Re:Oh noez! Not our emojis! (Score 1) 61

I feel there should be an emoji to express by dismay, but there isn't one and unfortunately it appears there won't be one for at least 6 months. I am grief stricken to the point of losing all feelings and emotion due to lack of a unicode supported method of conveying those feelings and emotions.

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