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Comment Super Tuesday mentality (Score 0) 433

Disclaimer, I'm in the USA, and they're still counting the votes in my state for some of the races.

I'm oddly okay with movie theatres doing this. It's their private property, and it's probably legal so long as they have signs up or add it in the fine print n the ticket. I'm not going to investigate as much.

I will vote with my dollars and skip the movie theatres, though. I'm quite happy to stay at home with my Netflix account, air-popper, 12-pack of soda, and 'movie theatre candy box' from WinCo. They can keep their cameras and blockbuster releases, so long as Hollywood keeps employing actors and Netflix keeps streaming movies.

If they put cameras on my television or XBox, on the other hand...

Comment Re:If you've nothing to hide... (Score 4, Interesting) 878

Himself. Motorcycles have a lot of speed, high acceleration and maneuverability, little mass, and very little between the rider and the road. If he'd met another vehicle at 127mph, the other vehicle would be operable with a dent, and this video would've ended with road pizza.

Stupid driving? Extremely. Dangerous to those around him? Not really.

Here in my state, what the cop did would be called 'threatening with a deadly weapon'.

Comment Re:Store in a water tower (Score 1) 506

re #5: There are rows of wind generators that have gone up in the last decade along the Columbia Gorge, through which the Columbia River flows, and has multiple dams on it (including John Day, Bonneville, and McNary). The sides are rather steep in most places, and the largest communities include The Dalles and Hood River. The surrounding areas on top of either side of the Gorge are primarily agriculture.

The aluminum industry used to be a big thing for demand response ("we have X megawatts, want 'em?"), but I don't know what the state of aluminum in the PNW/Gorge, likely thrashed with the costs of shipping, raw materials (demand from China), and environmental concerns.

Comment Legal tangles (Score 1) 230

I haven't run afoul of any laws, writing software, but I'm always tangling with copyright readers and software licenses whenever I start up a project (which happens every year or two). Open source licenses especially, since the standing rule is that 'copyleft is bad, because we want to keep control of our work'.

Software licenses come up every couple months, but the shop does a good job keeping the site licenses for the software that we use, and personal software is discouraged. I have a couple sets of VS8/9/10 discs that I pass to the interns and new FTEs, but have the license codes squirreled away separately -- if the site license doesn't pick them up, it's IT's problem. I've had a license expire, which was inconvenient, but had the project money for the latest version.

Code plagiarism is another concern, but a pretty easy one ~ either don't copy it, or contact the original author. Pretty straightforwards.

Comment Re:look, i like making fun of star trek technobabb (Score 1) 364

It makes sense, but seems overly impractical due to the sheer energy or mass involved with a black hole. It'd be fun to see what would happen if the static forces were able to push photons hard enough to kick them out of the gravity well. I don't buy the bit about angular momentum so readily, I think the mass would then need to be flying off the sides of the black hole ~ impractical to get that much kinetic energy when you're adding more mass.

Comment Music industry (Score 1) 510

The RIAA is claiming US$1.5T is owed to an industry that had about US$12.4B of worldwide sales in 2005?

The fallacy (IMO) is in trying to pin the blame for every LimeWire user on the guys who ran LimeWire. Analogous to blaming Ford for everyone who deliberately speeds or runs someone over. It looks like they're wasting time for the sake of bogus arguements ... but all the RIAA lawyers really have to do is run the clock and the lawyer fees to make things bad for the Lime Group.

The RIAA lawyers will be called on blowing smoke, the LimeWire client will get neutered, and 'damages' will be dependent on the quality of the lawyers and the disposition of the judge.

Comment In related news... (Score 1) 227

...signs of zombies were discovered on Planet Earth when there was a distinct absence of intelligence in recent observation. This would indicate the presence of brain-eating zombies, as all their feeding mechanisms drain intelligence from the local biosphere.

(sorry, couldn't help it.)

Comment Re:The steady slide to Police State continues (Score 1) 1123

Note to self, write my state representative with a number of situations where the outcome of 'police action' resulted in a he-said-she-said and the 'offender' being injured or killed, and with situations where photographers are arrested for observing law enforcement rather than for breaking laws.

Comment As a musician (Score 1) 160

As an open-mic musician who gets up and plays for fun, I'm not surprised by the dollar value for businesses affected by fair use. Karaoke, open mic, folk music, classical music, 'expired' music, etc, all ends up being used in a small or large part by a huge number of companies. Who owns the copyright for Vivaldi's orchestrations? Mozart's compositions?

'Fair use' is what lets me get up and play 'Rare Old Times', 'Whiskey in the Jar', or 'Black Velvet Band' in front of a small crowd without worrying if ASCAP or the like has someone fishing for royalty violations ~ which did happen in my little 100k population city a few years back and turned a lot of businesses off from allowing live music.

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