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Comment Re:45 cubic meters of water (Score 1) 201

Harder to conceptualize. I assume the presser used cubic meters because 45 of something doesn't sound as bad as 45,000 of something.

50 one-meter cubes is just as difficult to visualize as 1/50th of a pool. However, most everyone has seen a semi-trailer, and many people actually stood inside one, so it seemed like a good point of reference.

Comment Re:Yea! (Score 1) 326

I've been using Comcast's IPv6 6rd since it launched over a year ago. In the first few months, there were several instances with parts of the IPv6 global network were down, but those problems were corrected within a couple days.

All said, Comcast has been out in front of this compared with the other US ISPs. They should be commended (on this issue, at least).

Comment US Presidents (Score 1) 188

IIRC, the last two US Presidents that started from an engineering background were Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter. Depending who you ask, they were either awful leaders or they were screwed by fate.

Both were defeated after one term by orators, who became legendary leaders in the US mythology.

Comment Re:Ron Paul should give away his money (Score 5, Insightful) 1797

The average annual income for an individual with a high school diploma is $35k. For an individual with a bachelors degree, it is $50k.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States

For a married man in that tax bracket, the difference in income is taxed at 15%.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rate_schedule_(federal_income_tax)

The average annual cost of tuition at a public university in 2009 was $7020.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_education_in_the_United_States#Finances

Last year, 7.2 percent of those loans to public universities resulted in a default.

Assumptions: 4 years to complete a bachelors degree plus 1 year to start repayment and loans have a 3% APR and are dispersed in full at the start of the school year. Let's also say the government bears the full cost for all defaults, and the defaulter never pays a cent in taxes.

Subsidized Interest: $7020 * (1+2+3+4+4 years) * 0.03 = ~$3000
Marginal cost of default: $7020 * 4 * 0.072 = ~$2000

Marginal annual tax revenue from graduate: ($50k - 35k) * 0.015 * 0.928 = ~$2000

So, for a college student on a loan-driven ride through college, the total cost to the government is about $5000. That cost is recovered from said graduate within 3 years via increased income tax revenue. Since most workers will remain in the economy for another 30 years, this investment represents a 10:1 return on investment.

There are separate issues wrt private schools, MAP grants, etc. But this exercise almost always shows a substantial return on the investment. This isn't about poor lazy people. This raises people out of poverty, with a side dose of increased tax revenue and decreased welfare costs.

Only a fiscal lunatic would eliminate subsidized loans.

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