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Comment Cry me a river (Score 1) 132

Cable bundles are made in a way to force people to get 2-3 packages to watch their shows. Even if some Cable providers offer a-la-carte packages, they are way too pricy. In Canada the TV providers have to provide a 25$/month package. But you still have to rent a box for each TV, not all channels can be added, so it still comes out to 50$/month.

Years ago I setup an external antenna, put a ATSC tuner in my BeyondTV machine, and hooked up all my HDTVs to the antenna. Don't have to rent anything, digital decoder for the old TV cost me 20$ on eBay, antenna was given to me. All I had to buy was a mast and the hardware to install it. Total cost was under 100$. total cost is 0$/month and I don't have to mess with unstable cable boxes.

They shot themselves in the foot, and are now aiming for the other one.

Comment Re:Foobar2000 (Score 1) 332

Exactly one of the reasons I use foobar2000 when adding albums to iTunes. Equalize using replaygain (meaning leaving the file intact), and then convert to itunes proprietary format (instead of using iTune's equalising stuff (don't remember the name, haven't used for a while)

Comment MS Outlook (Score 1) 386

Last time I downloaded that monstrosity on my iPhone 4S, it was a 113MB download. Seriously? 113MB for something that checks email? Last time I fired up my C64, I was running Skyfox in under 64K RAM (probably less, unless you bank-switched that 6510 you had 38K free RAM)...

Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 564

I'm not a millenial, I'm a full-blown X-gen (born in 1971), and have been cord-free from 2009, (if it wasn't for the free cable TV my employer gave me for free, I'd be a cord-never. Even then, I had a VHS deck hooked up to an antenna for free TV. I've been recording and watching OTA for the last 10-15 years, and it's not that expensive. Buy an OTA antenna (not the preamplified shit), and some kind of DVR (channelmaster or build your own, One machine is running BeyondTV, I'm building a MythTV one), pair that with a Netflix subscrition and all the related online services, and I've got more TV hours to watch than I'll live.

Comment Misread TFA (Score 2) 408

"If you truly care about great photography, you own an iPhone"

Pretty sure I read that as "If you truly care about great photography, you own a Camera"

Yes, iPhones take great pictures (for a cellphone), but even the newer ones can't touch my old Nikon P50, let alone a proper DSLR. If the argument is the number of Mpixels, please hand over your geek card right now.

Comment Re: It's a matter of time... (Score 1) 370

Future lower power version for sniping? that would be a sniper's dream come true. No trajectory to calculate, no wind to take into account, virtually unlimited distance compared to bullets, and *silent*

I'm pretty sure something in the Kw range should be enough to kill someone (or at least seriously incapacitate)

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