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Comment Re:Just make it less bloated (Score 1) 300

And it's that kind of attitude that lead to 10+GB Operating Systems, GB+ Office suites and the need for 3Ghz dual core machines and 8GB RAM in order to do *anything* useful.

Meanwhile back in the '80s a C64 or Apple][+ could run a combat flight simulator in about 40K of RAM and 1 *MHZ* Cpu. In the '90s Amigas were used for special effects and genlocking.

Comment Re:Sad but not surprised. (Score 1) 138

It's not just nVidia. Many modern devices suffer from cracked solder joints. I found a big projection TV 2-3 years ago on the curb, the convergence was all screwed up thanks to broken solder joints between the flyback and motherboard. All it took was removing the ROHS crap and resolder using *standard* solder. Still works to this day.

So by using this kind of solder and being able to say they're environment friendly all it does is put MORE electronics in landfills.

Comment Re:grandmother reference (Score 3, Informative) 468

And that is why It's a bad idea to use software that relies on server side authentication. Case in point, I just reinstalled my security cam software, but it won't accept my *paid-for* license because it doesn't exist anymore. So my legally bought software is now useless.

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